At what T dose does gynecomastia begins forming?


If I have I naturally have low testosterone, what is the therapeutic T dose that will be high enough to have anabolic effect, yet low enough to not cause gynecomastia?

If the dose is 200mg per week, how much ng is this? If my natural T level is currently at 500, or 600, or 700ng, to what extent will it raise?

If, for example, 200mg corresponds to 600ng, and my natural T is at 500ng, will the T level after injection become 600ng or 1100ng? When TRT is deployed, is natural T completely shut down and replaced with the synthetic?

Anyway, beside therapeutics, tell me what is the highest possible testosterone dose that won't cause gyno. I mean, at how nanograms does gyno forms? Can I increase my T to 1300 and still have no gyno?
Here he is again, another nonsensical thread.

there is no answer to your questions. there is no certain correlation between the doses you take and the amount of testosterone you have in your blood
learn to study and get bloodworks.

and stop obsessing about gynecomastia!!!!
It shouldn't matter since you're doing a tbol only cycle and your months of research show it won't cause gyno. You're good bud, you have all the answers. I don't know why you're asking us when you should be educating us
The only thing you can do is take the test, and titrate and you'll know. It's subjective to each person. I can run 500mg of test with basically no sides while others will have puffy nips and acne at 200mg. Just be diligent with blood work and figure out ai dosage from there. I'm still new to all this and am also learning my bodies response. Educate yourself a bit more because this is a harm reduction forum not a place to get coaching on what your cycle should consist of.
If I have I naturally have low testosterone, what is the therapeutic T dose that will be high enough to have anabolic effect, yet low enough to not cause gynecomastia?

If the dose is 200mg per week, how much ng is this? If my natural T level is currently at 500, or 600, or 700ng, to what extent will it raise?

If, for example, 200mg corresponds to 600ng, and my natural T is at 500ng, will the T level after injection become 600ng or 1100ng? When TRT is deployed, is natural T completely shut down and replaced with the synthetic?

Anyway, beside therapeutics, tell me what is the highest possible testosterone dose that won't cause gyno. I mean, at how nanograms does gyno forms? Can I increase my T to 1300 and still have no gyno?
I thought we didn’t have to worry because you know what you’re doing :)
This answer is going to be different for every single person. Some people are prone to gyno and some aren’t. So some people can get it extremely fast and some it will take a lot. Everyone’s bodies are different and even though let’s say 10 different people take the same compound at the same dose, not everyone is going to react the same. I’m not prone to gyno, never had it, twice my nipples started getting very sensitive and I immediately took nolvadex and continued until it went away and lowered doses. If my estrogen e1 or e2 was elevated I increased my ai dosage. There are going to be complications with running gear that’s just facts, keep doing more research on how to stay the best protected but other then that the only way you will find out is by doing it, good luck
He already knows everything tho
The problem is he’s asking the same stupid fuckin questions all week that make no sense and then arguing when people don’t tell him what he wants to hear. So from all this I gather he’s only lifted for one year and he’s scared to death of gyno which tells me he thinks running gear is going to get him some pussy cause clearly this is what this is all about at the end of the day. He’s going to fuck himself up or get tits and become a depressed incel and blame the big bad steroids that ruined his life. These people wanna jam needles in their ass but refuse to read the first basic threads on this website. Almost makes me wanna punch a baby as bad as these cucks that think this is blue light and use that swim shit or their “friend” shot 1mg of ozempic. This board is for harm reduction and people like this are a harm to them self
If I have I naturally have low testosterone, what is the therapeutic T dose that will be high enough to have anabolic effect, yet low enough to not cause gynecomastia?

If the dose is 200mg per week, how much ng is this? If my natural T level is currently at 500, or 600, or 700ng, to what extent will it raise?

If, for example, 200mg corresponds to 600ng, and my natural T is at 500ng, will the T level after injection become 600ng or 1100ng? When TRT is deployed, is natural T completely shut down and replaced with the synthetic?

Anyway, beside therapeutics, tell me what is the highest possible testosterone dose that won't cause gyno. I mean, at how nanograms does gyno forms? Can I increase my T to 1300 and still have no gyno?
On my first cycle of test E only I ran 250 mg per week for the first 10 weeks then 500 mg for the next 6 weeks. I started getting sore nipples 3 weeks into the cycle so started arimidex which prevented any visible gyno but nipples still slightly sensitive until almost the end of cycle. Now on my second cycle running 250 mg every 3 days. No nipple soreness at all. No visible gyno. Your body builds a tolerance for test just like any other drug. If you start getting sore nipples just use arimidex and you’ll be fine.
I have to agree with pulpfiction on this 1. Everyone aromatizes at different rates and reacts differently to gear.
Running gear is an art form. U have to find the right gear to run that's right for u. To me it sounds like you're new to this and I'd suggest just a simple test only cycle for now. Keep the nolvadex on hand in case u get gyno symptoms and a good ai. Personally I like aromasin, but I aromatize heavy AF so anasteozole would be a better choice for u.
I'm on 500mg te, 450 primo, 360ish of deca and I take 12.5mg aromasin everyday. That would tank most ppls e2, but for me it's perfect and I'm on week 11 of a 20 week cycle.
Get bloodwork!!!!!