I know that my thread gave you and plenty of others hope.
Read what I said, I did not say you bullied me whatsoever. You all just fucking criticized me, and here you are following my routine.
That fucking idiot tried to jump on the band wagon thinking he could give me shit and I would just forget it. The dumb fuck completely forgot what he said to me. Lmao.
You just followed suit like a lemming because everyone else was acting a cunt with me, pathetic.
I was so glad to have levels which I do cause it was a big fucking finger to you all, and also the biggest relief ever.
I'm done toying with you little cunts anyhow I've thought about staying here to help folk but really, how can I? It's all be said, it's all been done and although you love to be part of the flock of sheep it will always be the case that you followed what I did whether you like it or not.
If I could delete everything I would.
Goodbye faggot Americans with your crappy little levels.