MESO-Rx Sponsor Axle Labs - US Domestic

I'm on 2nd week. 2.5mg. Semaglutide made me ill. So hoping this work. I bought two. Placed the other in a dark spot until ready to reconstitute. Once I add the bac water , I'll refrigerate it. Hopefully tirzepatide is smoother than sema.
I did get upset stomach with sulfur burps 2 times like a week 3 and 4. But I started at 5mg per week. Helps with appetite suppression. Very well.
Any reviews on their tirzepatide ?
No reviews personally from his, but he has 3 month old testing with good results. I use tirzepatide from another intl source also with testing and the stuff works great. Don't believe I've seen another domestic source sell 10mg tirzepatide any cheaper than him.
Fuck. That's a lot. No wonder you had sides

My girlfriend made that mistake and vomited everything she ate for 4 days including water on only 2mg
If I had planed on being on it for a long period I might not have jumped up to 5mg at week 2 however it didn't seem to produce results that first week so I bumped it up and it started working great. I would call sulfer burps for half a day and diarrhea once extremlty horrible side effects. Iwill be dropping it in a coupleof weeks due to the fact that I am about to hit my goal.
I placed a small order for some primo/test blend and some test. Hella fast TA won’t run the gear for a few months but I do plan on getting the primo/test sent to jano
I placed a small order for some primo/test blend and some test. Hella fast TA won’t run the gear for a few months but I do plan on getting the primo/test sent to jano
Thank you for the review! Looking forward to the testing.