MESO-Rx Sponsor Axle Labs - US Domestic

I’m used to pharma too (always good to have some) but yeah it’s always a good idea to have a couple other options for everything n these guys have been real professional, how you liking the gear so far?
So far so good feel a little better then normal. Could be a little stronger than pharma(haven’t looked at batch/testing on mine).

Excited to do a blast of it soon.
Just placed an order. Having some issues at checkout regarding payment sent. PM'd @Axle Labs and will wait for a resolution from them. Nothing big, should be resolved quite quickly
So far so good feel a little better then normal. Could be a little stronger than pharma(haven’t looked at batch/testing on mine).

Excited to do a blast of it soon.
Yeah I was checking up on that but I ain’t know they had recent specific batch testing for the test so I just thought jano might as well, n word me too I really want to start my blast just waiting on doing my first follow up bloodwork at the TRT clinic tomorrow so I can turn up the dosage (n hopefully get my trt one raised too so I have that as backup too). You try any of their other stuff? Their dbol is pretty good (although I’m not an expert since that’s my first time with dbol) and the var I’m curious bout so grabbed some of that (next time round tho I definitely need to grab me a good amount of primo as that is sumn I really think could be of great use, if you can avoid an AI while being more anabolic shit why not ahah :) )
I’ve ordered several times through well known sources on this forum and decided to try axle. My first order was delayed and I let him know, I gave him the benefit of the doubt, and made a second order before receiving my first. I got my first order, and the second order I received 3 days after payment and he compensated me and did something no other source has ever done in this situation. I highly recommend giving axle a try. He’s a man of his word and I’ll continue giving him my business. Thank you sir for doing what you did!!!
Man this is by far the quickest T/A of any source I’ve used
Thank you for the review!

I’ve ordered several times through well known sources on this forum and decided to try axle. My first order was delayed and I let him know, I gave him the benefit of the doubt, and made a second order before receiving my first. I got my first order, and the second order I received 3 days after payment and he compensated me and did something no other source has ever done in this situation. I highly recommend giving axle a try. He’s a man of his word and I’ll continue giving him my business. Thank you sir for doing what you did!!!
No problem man! Enjoy the gear.

Any testing on your ripper and hyperbolic blend???
Not yet, but we will be sure to include blends in our February testing.
Go in deeper. I get itching like that if I go too shallow
Went deeper IM (1" on delts) with the test 500 and tren 400 (both MCT) and still getting itchy (and swollen delts but no small lumps this time). I may just give up on the high concentration oils...

Last ditch effort is trying the DG site with 1.5"
Placed a small order Saturday(1/20) and received tracking on Sunday(1/21). According to the company who handled the shipping I was supposed to receive my package yesterday. Of course that is no fault to Axel's own. Regardless, order Saturday(1/20), tracking Sunday(1/21), and planned delivery for Wednesday(1/24) is top notch in my book. Received my package today and everything was well packaged and accounted for. One thing I did order was tirzepatide. Will return with anecdotal results very soon. Based on all your anecdotal evidence and the quick turn around I'll be placing another order within the next couple days. Thank you Axle!

**Edited to add dates to each day mentioned and a photo**


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Placed an order over the weekend. Very fast response on a weekend night. Tracking on Sunday. Very polite and easy to deal with.
Received package already. Well packaged.
No complaints and excellent service in my opinion. Very fast TA.
I brew my own gear but wanted to try a couple products that I don’t have raws for and most likely will be using this source for a product that cannot be brewed.
Also I’ll give a review on the preworkout 61 blend when I use it.
Ordered on Saturday, received confirmation on Sunday and arrived on Thursday. Good T/A! These 3 are all 300mg/ml of Test C. They all arrived crashed so had to warm them up thats why the labels are fucked . First pin will be tonight. Wish me luckIMG_1368.jpeg
Went deeper IM (1" on delts) with the test 500 and tren 400 (both MCT) and still getting itchy (and swollen delts but no small lumps this time). I may just give up on the high concentration oils...

Last ditch effort is trying the DG site with 1.5"
Go Ventrogluteal for high concentration, tends to take high concentration better in terms of pain. Just keep high concentration gear to at most 1.5ml, ideally 1ml. Delts 1ml tops for comfort.
Go Ventrogluteal for high concentration, tends to take high concentration better in terms of pain. Just keep high concentration gear to at most 1.5ml, ideally 1ml. Delts 1ml tops for comfort.
I did 0.4ml high concentration in one delt and it got swollen and a little itchy. There's no pain... just swollen. It definitely made my delt look huge af though :cool:
Yeah I was checking up on that but I ain’t know they had recent specific batch testing for the test so I just thought jano might as well, n word me too I really want to start my blast just waiting on doing my first follow up bloodwork at the TRT clinic tomorrow so I can turn up the dosage (n hopefully get my trt one raised too so I have that as backup too). You try any of their other stuff? Their dbol is pretty good (although I’m not an expert since that’s my first time with dbol) and the var I’m curious bout so grabbed some of that (next time round tho I definitely need to grab me a good amount of primo as that is sumn I really think could be of great use, if you can avoid an AI while being more anabolic shit why not ahah :) )
Haven’t really pondered that, my experience with a low dose of deca put a sour taste in my mouth to try anything may work up the coverage to try mast for the same affect as what your speaking of if I can’t dial in on the e2 coaster
Haven’t really pondered that, my experience with a low dose of deca put a sour taste in my mouth to try anything may work up the coverage to try mast for the same affect as what your speaking of if I can’t dial in on the e2 coaster
The e2 coaster sucks so much. Always have issues with e2. I've also had issues with deca. I felt terrible on 200mg and ended up stopping the cycle early .

I've been reading more and more about sustanon and aromatization and it's mixed reviews. Thinking of switching to it, but if anyone here has feedback on sustanon I am all ears. Right now just test c
Haven’t really pondered that, my experience with a low dose of deca put a sour taste in my mouth to try anything may work up the coverage to try mast for the same affect as what your speaking of if I can’t dial in on the e2 coaster
You mean the dbol or the primo? I was saying to try out primo as it has good AI effects but I know masteron does too so you should be good, n yeah bro deca is a whole other subgroup n 19-nors are wayyy more side effect ridden than any of the other subgroups imo
The e2 coaster sucks so much. Always have issues with e2. I've also had issues with deca. I felt terrible on 200mg and ended up stopping the cycle early .

I've been reading more and more about sustanon and aromatization and it's mixed reviews. Thinking of switching to it, but if anyone here has feedback on sustanon I am all ears. Right now just test c
I’m gonna start sum Sustanon out of curiosity for my blast but imo the good ol cyp n enanthate are better it you aromatise easily as lots of people seem to say that Sustanon got em higher e2 (I’m not sure as to why that would be but my guess is the prop spiking stuff too quickly n then the body compensating), it shouldn’t be too much of a difference though
The e2 coaster sucks so much. Always have issues with e2. I've also had issues with deca. I felt terrible on 200mg and ended up stopping the cycle early .

I've been reading more and more about sustanon and aromatization and it's mixed reviews. Thinking of switching to it, but if anyone here has feedback on sustanon I am all ears. Right now just test c

I use sustanon for TRT. Around 60-65 mg Monday and Thursday. No weird side effects or feelz reports. Gtg ime.
Learning more about harm reduction on here, going to play it safe with a test blast to learn then when it’s time for primo or mast for e2 control if I can’t get it dialed in axle will have my business.

Being new to this he assisted with the transaction details and shipping was lightening fast. Anyways enough thread jacking. Back to lurking till I post labs