MESO-Rx Sponsor Axle Labs - US Domestic

I think axle had said he was going to be outta town until Monday. I had read that in the thread. I have spoke to him via email about the sure he will sort it all out!
I want to start by saying that I like axle and hiw he has handled some if the problems he has faced on meso. I wasn't sure on how to handle this but it would be a disservice to the community if I didn't post these. I run testc primo and npp. The first sample I sent was from a vial I draw from daily so I thought I must have contaminated it somehow.. so I paid for and sent another sample this time from a brand new separate vial. (Carefully) this is from npp200 batch 50. The new batch after the underdosed batch. I hate this!! But here you go axle how are we going to handle this.
Wow. Thanks for posting this. Was about to order from them. This is unacceptable to me. Either they did it on purpose or they got their powders mixed up when brewing. Either way very concerning. Let’s see how they’ll explain it.
I want to start by saying that I like axle and hiw he has handled some if the problems he has faced on meso. I wasn't sure on how to handle this but it would be a disservice to the community if I didn't post these. I run testc primo and npp. The first sample I sent was from a vial I draw from daily so I thought I must have contaminated it somehow.. so I paid for and sent another sample this time from a brand new separate vial. (Carefully) this is from npp200 batch 50. The new batch after the underdosed batch. I hate this!! But here you go axle how are we going to handle this.View attachment 279073View attachment 279074
I do not see how this is possible since the new batch was re-tested right after brew. Can you post a picture of the vial you drew the samples from?

@janoshik is it possible there is an error in the test-c/NPP detection? Is it possible one can be picked up as the other?

There has been no more brew since we brewed and tested this batch already.

OP, regardless, shoot me an email and we'll refund/store credit for the test whichever you prefer.
Great.. I just bought 2 of these.
Shoot us an email, you'll be refunded/store credit whichever you prefer.

Would love Jano to chime in here. I don't understand how it's even possible if the oil has not been brewed since the last brew which was tested.
Only thing that can put that much cyp in the final product is the raws not being 100% NPP (or the test results being wrong?). I have a vial of the latest batch, ill send mine in also.
@axlelabs the samples was taken from 2 separate vials of the same npp batch. Batch #50. I do not have a picture of the vial from which I pulled the first sample because when the lab results came back I threw it out thinking I had somehow cintaminated the sample. That's when I contacted you a week or 2 ago the results from the first test. I told you that I had tried but must have contaminated the sample somehow but I had a brand new inopen vial and I would try again.. which I did. I opened the vial and sent in another sample from a different vial same batch. Batch #50. I sent you a picture of that vial via email this morning.. here it is again. I promise you I have been integral in my dealing with this.. I have ordered from you several times and have always sung your praises. I am just a simple country boy tring to be a positive part of the meso community. I hope I. No way you think that I have malicious intent.
@axlelabs the samples was taken from 2 separate vials of the same npp batch. Batch #50. I do not have a picture of the vial from which I pulled the first sample because when the lab results came back I threw it out thinking I had somehow cintaminated the sample. That's when I contacted you a week or 2 ago the results from the first test. I told you that I had tried but must have contaminated the sample somehow but I had a brand new inopen vial and I would try again.. which I did. I opened the vial and sent in another sample from a different vial same batch. Batch #50. I sent you a picture of that vial via email this morning.. here it is again. I promise you I have been integral in my dealing with this.. I have ordered from you several times and have always sung your praises. I am just a simple country boy tring to be a positive part of the meso community. I hope I. No way you think that I have malicious intent.
of course, not accusing you of anything. I was just wondering if a mistake could have been made somehow. Thanks for clarifying.

We're disabling NPP 200 on the store until this is sorted out. And email us if you've ordered it for credit/refund for it.
Only thing that can put that much cyp in the final product is the raws not being 100% NPP (or the test results being wrong?). I have a vial of the latest batch, ill send mine in also.

Two separate blind samples from the same batch should spell out if this is a testing issue or a brew issue. Hate to see this…all my dealings with Axle have been positive with solid products. I will say I find it interesting that @Axle Labs original retest on the NPP 200 was in the 190’s (correct me if I’m wrong.) Total compound measurement and both of Dirthands test resulted in almost the exact same total compound measurement just shows a small percent as Test.
Do you think it's possible you may have mixed up raws while you were taking them in and out of their containers into the beaker/scale? Because that would make sense considering the total mg is close to the target mg.

I can def picture myself doing that on accident.
Something going on with just the NPP then. Total mg is correct, so the brewing math is correct, but at some point cyp raws got into the brew if the testing is correct.
Do you think it's possible you may have mixed up raws while you were taking them in and out of their containers into the beaker/scale? Because that would make sense considering the total mg is close to the target mg.

I can def picture myself doing that on accident.
It isn't possible because the raws are in bags completely separate in different containers. If there was a mixup like that, the whole vial would be test cyp vs. a mix.
We didn't even realize we had previously tested a different sample like that, so we were agnostic on that regard.

Please shoot us an email asking for me personally to review the sample on GCMS.b