MESO-Rx Sponsor Axle Labs - US Domestic

Agreed. I was about two weeks into upping dose to 200 from 160 TRT dose which had me a little lower than this TT. Will be testing again in 3-4 weeks hoping I can get my prolactin and e2 under control with 1mg axle Arimidex caps and .25 caber tabs (axle pharma)
Agreed. I was about two weeks into upping dose to 200 from 160 TRT dose which had me a little lower than this TT. Will be testing again in 3-4 weeks hoping I can get my prolactin and e2 under control with 1mg axle Arimidex caps and .25 caber tabs (axle pharma)
Lower E2 first then check prolactin before attempting the caber.

Keep E2 under control and prolactin should follow.
Got bloodwork back today on 200 test cyp, 200 tren ace and 200 mast p @Axle Labs

Not very high tt

It's almost a 6x response. That's ballpark.

Agreed. I was about two weeks into upping dose to 200 from 160 TRT dose which had me a little lower than this TT. Will be testing again in 3-4 weeks hoping I can get my prolactin and e2 under control with 1mg axle Arimidex caps and .25 caber tabs (axle pharma)

Not a bad response at all. You'll see guys report anything from 4-8x. Sometimes lower or higher. Many variables.