MESO-Rx Sponsor Axle Labs - US Domestic

Switched from Test C trt to Axle’s test C200 for the past 3 months, was injecting 100mg 2x a week but switched to 200mg 1x injection on Monday. Labs drawn Friday afternoon, was on Deca 100 every week but was tapering off. Any idea why my Test levels are so high?IMG_5365.webp
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Switched from Test C trt to Axle’s test C200 for the past 3 months, was injecting 100mg 2x a week but switched to 200mg 1x injection on Monday. Labs drawn Friday afternoon, was on Deca 100 every week but was tapering off. Any idea why my Test levels are so high?View attachment 297245
Half-life is still high and you were probably at steady serum state for a while. I think that should be normal for 200mg a week.