MESO-Rx Sponsor Axle Labs - US Domestic

Put order in on Sunday March 2nd, received tracking the same day and package arrived Thursday March 6th!!! Thank you @Axle Labs for the best fucking service and quality gear around!!!
Posting my blood work after almost 7 weeks on the same schedule: 120mg/wk of @Axle Labs Test-E 250 - pinning ~50mg E3D, no AI management this time. Blood drawn on injection day, before the injection.
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Did you have any sides when you were at 64pg/ml estradiol? I’m running 150mg test cyp split twice a week and my estradiol was 68 pg/ml with test at 1018 ng/dl. I got sides effects and feel like crap. Ironically the first month I felt like a god, I wonder why that is. . I’m debating on lowering dose, maybe 150mg is too high for TRT. People always say less is more with TRT.

Also what AI and dose were you on when you were blasting to put you on that sweet estradiol spot in December. I’m currently dabbling with Anastrazole 0.125mg to 0.25mg twice a week - I feel great some days and some days like crap, but mostly crap, the E2 roller coaster is a horrible place to be.
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Did you have any sides when you were at 64pg/ml estradiol? I’m running 150mg test cyp split twice a week and my estradiol was 68 pg/ml with test at 1018 ng/dl. I got sides effects and feel like crap. Ironically the first month I felt like a god, I wonder why that is. . I’m debating on lowering dose, maybe 150mg is too high for TRT. People always say less is more with TRT.

Also what AI and dose were you on when you were blasting to put you on that sweet estradiol spot in December. I’m currently dabbling with Anastrazole 0.125mg to 0.25mg twice a week - I feel great some days and some days like crap, but mostly crap, the E2 roller coaster is a horrible place to be.
I got sides at the very beginning of my TRT (100mg twice a week) .. sensitive nipples and it would go away with 0.25 anastrozole. Later I learned splitting dose into EOD was better for less hormone fluctuation hence better E2 management. E2 became less of an issue once I dropped to less than 20% body fat. Try injecting more frequently for a few weeks, it should solve your issues IMO.

I stopped using AI after switching to EOD schedule, during my 'blast' Primobolan at 250mg helped reducing my E2 (I would ran it at 200mg next time). Staying (or getting) lean and more frequent injections is key to a avoid a hormone roller coaster, in my short experience.

Edit: I've also learned that 200mg/wk was too much for me to call it a TRT so I dropped to 140mg/wk, then to 120mg/wk (which is my current dose). So based on my blood work I know what's a blast, what's a cruise and whats a TRT. Every body is different, so always do bloodworks to understand your body.
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I have placed a few orders with axle and I'd like to say he's absolutely a stand-up guy. I had one small issue with my last order. Not the source's fault at all I'd like to say I was just having problems with a certain Ester. He absolutely straightened this situation out for me even though it was no fault of his own. That garters a lot of respect for me. I would definitely be back
Is there any testing on the testosterone enath batch 013? Can’t find it anywhere
Coming soon. Batch 13 is batch 12 with slightly less raws to pull back the 10% overdose slightly,

Will post results though, it’s being sent to

@Axle Labs, any idea if or when you'll have Pharma hCG back in stock?
We’re restocking over coming days. Stay tuned.
Sorry guys, we need another few weeks off! Attending to some family matters.

Hopefully will be a bit sooner than that. Still will be posting testing / monitoring email during this time.
Please refund me for order #7945. I put it in Saturday before you mentioned closing shop on Sunday. I've emailed you a couple times because web site states "complete". You said you were closing shop for a couple days for a restock which I was ok with a few days, but not ok with a few weeks, especially as I made T/A promised to others. Thank you.
Please refund me for order #7945. I put it in Saturday before you mentioned closing shop on Sunday. I've emailed you a couple times because web site states "complete". You said you were closing shop for a couple days for a restock which I was ok with a few days, but not ok with a few weeks, especially as I made T/A promised to others. Thank you.
Shoot us an email and will refund you.

Please send all order related questions directly to email and will get a response quickly.

