Bad sides out of nowhere


New Member
Hi all,
Probably the last year or so I have been experiencing BAD chest/back breakouts. I’ve been on cruise for a long time, 250-300/wk on and off for a few years Id say. I dont blast as Im more into the virility and just keeping generally physically fit.

Im in my early 40’s and people already look at me like Im on gear lol. I’ve gone off for 6-8 months at a time but it seems to make no difference in my sides/breakouts. My body has generally been tolerant of AAS in the past even on much higher usage but lately it’s off the charts. I keep it 300/wk or less cause I dont find the benefits worth the sides. I switched from Enanthate to Cyp 6 months when my PIP was so bad it was unbearable. I found an issue on my end that was causing it so all good there now.

Anyone experience these issues seemingly out of nowhere? I have no other symptoms, no itchy nipples or hair loss (other than what i would consider normal at my age).
Hi all,
Probably the last year or so I have been experiencing BAD chest/back breakouts. I’ve been on cruise for a long time, 250-300/wk on and off for a few years Id say. I dont blast as Im more into the virility and just keeping generally physically fit.

Im in my early 40’s and people already look at me like Im on gear lol. I’ve gone off for 6-8 months at a time but it seems to make no difference in my sides/breakouts. My body has generally been tolerant of AAS in the past even on much higher usage but lately it’s off the charts. I keep it 300/wk or less cause I dont find the benefits worth the sides. I switched from Enanthate to Cyp 6 months when my PIP was so bad it was unbearable. I found an issue on my end that was causing it so all good there now.

Anyone experience these issues seemingly out of nowhere? I have no other symptoms, no itchy nipples or hair loss (other than what i would consider normal at my age).

Aromatization increases with age. I'm going to guess your skin feels greasier than before. It's a high estrogen symptom that can occur in the absence of the other typical high estrogen symptoms.

You can either take 100mg Doxycycline a day which, if effective will clear it up in a few weeks and keep it away. For up to 6 months. It's super cheap at the "PCT" sellers in the Steroid Underground forum.

or you can take a low dose AI to cut estrogen and stop the excess sebum that's causing the acne.

or you can do a 4-6 month Accutane cycle (less than $50 of meds at the same PCT shops) and shrink the glands producing the skin oils, along with a few other effects, nuking acne forever.

The other normal advice about washing, exfoliating, topicals, are all short lived solutions in my experience.
Aromatization increases with age. I'm going to guess your skin feels greasier than before. It's a high estrogen symptom that can occur in the absence of the other typical high estrogen symptoms.

You can either take 100mg Doxycycline a day which, if effective will clear it up in a few weeks and keep it away. For up to 6 months. It's super cheap at the "PCT" sellers in the Steroid Underground forum.

or you can take a low dose AI to cut estrogen and stop the excess sebum that's causing the acne.

or you can do a 4-6 month Accutane cycle (less than $50 of meds at the same PCT shops) and shrink the glands producing the skin oils, along with a few other effects, nuking acne forever.

The other normal advice about washing, exfoliating, topicals, are all short lived solutions in my experience.
Thanks Ghoul.

A little of my background…I had terrible acne growing up, ran the gamut until I got to Accutane. One course of that cleared me up and I was good for almost 30 years. I was JACKED by 14 (first weight set at 10 and parents owned a meat market lol) so naturally my dermatologist back then thought I was juicing.

Perhaps I just have those unfortunate genetics? I remember how bad Accutane dried my skin out but at this point maybe I dont have a choice? On or off the gear even at TRT levels doesnt seem to make a difference at this point. Getting old is very weird.
Thanks Ghoul.

A little of my background…I had terrible acne growing up, ran the gamut until I got to Accutane. One course of that cleared me up and I was good for almost 30 years. I was JACKED by 14 (first weight set at 10 and parents owned a meat market lol) so naturally my dermatologist back then thought I was juicing.

Perhaps I just have those unfortunate genetics? I remember how bad Accutane dried my skin out but at this point maybe I dont have a choice? On or off the gear even at TRT levels doesnt seem to make a difference at this point. Getting old is very weird.

Similar to me. Also north of 45. I've always had backne too. Diminished as I got older, then TRT reignited it. On or off gear oily skin and acne persisted.

About 15% require a second course of Accutane in their lifetime, but after that over 99% never get it again.

The good news is that since you got it the first time, a lot of research has shown low dose Accutane can be very effective and minimize sides. So you can dodge the bad time you had before. As Accutane effects are cumulative your glands are already most of the way there anyway, and probably just grew a bit with age like nose hair follicles lol.

I'm on 10mg 2x a day and have no sides at all, After my first month I'll up it to 20mg 2x a day for 3-5 more months. At just 40mg a day I still expect low/no sides. That's below the usual minimum therapeutic dose.

It's wildly cheap now too. PCT 24/7 in the Steroid Underground forum has Accufine 10mg for like 65¢ per 10 pack! I'd stick with pharma grade. Isotretinoin is supposed to be delivered in an oil suspension within a gelcap, all the UGLs use dry tablets.

Don't forget, no tetracycline antibiotics while on Accutane, can cause brain swelling. Also, it needs to be taken with a high fat meal for proper absorption. Taking a cap without a meal reduces absorption by 80%.

Hit me up with any other questions brother.
Aromatization increases with age. I'm going to guess your skin feels greasier than before. It's a high estrogen symptom that can occur in the absence of the other typical high estrogen symptoms.

You can either take 100mg Doxycycline a day which, if effective will clear it up in a few weeks and keep it away. For up to 6 months. It's super cheap at the "PCT" sellers in the Steroid Underground forum.

or you can take a low dose AI to cut estrogen and stop the excess sebum that's causing the acne.

or you can do a 4-6 month Accutane cycle (less than $50 of meds at the same PCT shops) and shrink the glands producing the skin oils, along with a few other effects, nuking acne forever.

The other normal advice about washing, exfoliating, topicals, are all short lived solutions in my experience.
How can you give advice without seeing bloodwork? I dont understand? Accutane for sure if the acne is that bad.
Similar to me. Also north of 45. I've always had backne too. Diminished as I got older, then TRT reignited it. On or off gear oily skin and acne persisted.

About 15% require a second course of Accutane in their lifetime, but after that over 99% never get it again.

The good news is that since you got it the first time, a lot of research has shown low dose Accutane can be very effective and minimize sides. So you can dodge the bad time you had before. As Accutane effects are cumulative your glands are already most of the way there anyway, and probably just grew a bit with age like nose hair follicles lol.

I'm on 10mg 2x a day and have no sides at all, After my first month I'll up it to 20mg 2x a day for 3-5 more months. At just 40mg a day I still expect low/no sides. That's below the usual minimum therapeutic dose.

It's wildly cheap now too. PCT 24/7 in the Steroid Underground forum has Accufine 10mg for like 65¢ per 10 pack! I'd stick with pharma grade. Isotretinoin is supposed to be delivered in an oil suspension within a gelcap, all the UGLs use dry tablets.

Don't forget, no tetracycline antibiotics while on Accutane, can cause brain swelling. Also, it needs to be taken with a high fat meal for proper absorption. Taking a cap without a meal reduces absorption by 80%.

Hit me up with any other questions brother.
Really appreciate this detailed response.

I remember the gel caps back in the day. I will see if I can get going with a derm here and be straight up with them and see if I can get back on it. Thanks again!
Uh oh, sorry officer.

What bloodwork does he need to start Accutane? Want to see the NIH published studies that show pre-Accutane bloodwork is unnecessary?IMG_7938.jpeg
Really appreciate this detailed response.

I remember the gel caps back in the day. I will see if I can get going with a derm here and be straight up with them and see if I can get back on it. Thanks again!
Really appreciate this detailed response.

I remember the gel caps back in the day. I will see if I can get going with a derm here and be straight up with them and see if I can get back on it. Thanks again!

Even better if you can get a derm to do it without giving you a hard time regarding TRT.

Consider sharing this with him. In my experience few docs keep their knowledge up to date and are overly conservative.
