(Basicstero)Running a simple cycle of 500mg test E a week

How you feeling though? Libido? Sides? Strength gains? You should be feeling something by now...
Definitely got my attention. I have some 500 test-e. Though of buying sterile grape seed oil to cut it. Appreciate you Guinea pigging this, big help.
This is the first time I've pinned the 500, so no I haven't tried pinning elsewhere

My libido has always been ridiculous
So I'd say libido is the same
No sides besides pip and I've actually been having nightmares if that has any correlation
No strength gains but I definitely feel more of a pump when I workout
Don't let this fool you tho, I'll still be getting blood work done to determine if the product is legitimate or not.

I feel pip is normal to anyone starting a cycle
Like I said in my previous post, the pip was this bad when I first started the 300
I'm confident the pip with the 500 will soon subside, just like the 300
Sore about 8 inches down from the injection site
I usually get pip lower than the injection site, but I've never had it this low
Area is not red or hot
Just swollen
I always sterilize everything.
Sterilize the rubber top of vial and injection site
Wash my hands prior with soap and water

I've had inflammation similar to this with the 300 but not this bad
Could this possibly be due to the higher concentration?

Currently icing the swollen area
Pinned on Monday at around midnight. Meaning going into Tuesday
No fever not feeling ill
I feel good besides the horrible pain in my arm
I could've possibly struck a nerve? Maybe I didn't enter the muscle
I doubt it's an infection, but that's always a possibility.
I'd like to know the meso community's thoughts on this
I always sterilize everything.
Sterilize the rubber top of vial and injection site
Wash my hands prior with soap and water

I've had inflammation similar to this with the 300 but not this bad
Could this possibly be due to the higher concentration?

Currently icing the swollen area
Pinned on Monday at around midnight. Meaning going into Tuesday
No fever not feeling ill
I feel good besides the horrible pain in my arm
I could've possibly struck a nerve? Maybe I didn't enter the muscle
I doubt it's an infection, but that's always a possibility.
I'd like to know the meso community's thoughts on this

Not an expert as never done high concentrations but am planning one, so researching. Read that high concentration mean lots of crystal with less oil and the oil leaves slowly leaving a lump of crystals. That heat on PIP helps, not ice like heating the solution before inject makes viscosity thinner.
Not an expert as never done high concentrations but am planning one, so researching. Read that high concentration mean lots of crystal with less oil and the oil leaves slowly leaving a lump of crystals. That heat on PIP helps, not ice like heating the solution before inject makes viscosity thinner.
I'm sure I'll adapt
Im due for another pin tonight but I might hold off until tomorrow tonight just to see if it improves
Hopefully I can run this 500 by itself
I know it's meant to be cut but I don't wanna have to push more than 1cc into my del
I will keep everyone updated
My delt and tricep are both very swollen
Anyone have any recommendations?
I would just keep an eye on it. If it turn red and hot to the touch you may need some antibiotics or to see a doc. I always heat oil before injection. Rarely have pip. I also switched to 1 inch 23 gauge instead of 5/8 in delt. Getting oil subcutaneous can cause pain and swelling. Good luck with cycle. Thx for posting
Didn't die on us did you? Still swollen in a bad way?
It's now formed a very hard lump in my bicep/tricep
Very painful to touch

Injection site pain is completely gone.
But I guess the oil moved down due to gravity
Possibly an infection

This DOES NOT mean this is bad gear
Very well could have been my technique
As I said, no real experience with ultra high concentration stuff but doubt you caught infection just when you increased concentration. More than likely the body seeing the testosterone crystal or the BA used to keep that much crystal suspended as a threat and attacks it like it was infection.

Hope it works out for you. Definitely think if I ever run high concentration I will cut it with grape seed oil. Delt also would be my last resort for injections and I would only use it on short esters with EOD or ED. I much prefer glute or leg. Take care.
It's now formed a very hard lump in my bicep/tricep
Very painful to touch

Injection site pain is completely gone.
But I guess the oil moved down due to gravity
Possibly an infection

This DOES NOT mean this is bad gear
Very well could have been my technique

Sounds like you didn't inject deep enough.
I might be wrong but maybe they use a higher bb amount due to the higher concentration? This could cause more pip? Does the bottle list the ba/bb content by chance?
I don't know about you but I'll make sure NOT to run Test 300mg or even Test 500mg! Read that many folks who ran Test 500mg got the worse pip, ever (could be the high concentration levels)! That's why pharma is at 200mg and most UGL's between 200-250mg.
All it lists is mg/ml

My arm is now completely healed and I'm back on the 300
300 is smooth no pip at all

I'll try to keep everyone updated
Trying very hard to give updates with a very busy work schedule
Noticing more acne as well as increased heart rate and tightness in my chest
Will keep updated
Acne is getting worse, a sign the test may be working
I will be getting bloodwork within the next couple weeks to verify