I have actually been playing around with short cycles including some 2 weekers. I used Test Prop at 100mg and Tren Ace at 60mg ED. Got a little out of the cycle but nothing drastic. I think I need to frontload the Prop and Tren, which I will be trying in the next week or 2. I grabbed some TNE as well so I will inject that as well on work out days and last 3 days of cycle. So I will try 200mg Test Prop and 100mg Tren A on day 1. 70mg Test Prop and 60mg Tren Ace ED and 15-30mg Methylstenbolone ED. I will inject 50mg of TNE on workout days, and drop Prop after day 11 and Tren after day 12, and then run TNE @ 50mg ED last 3 days. I think a cycle of TNE and Tren Ace with a oral would be great even with only ED injections. A TNE cycle is definitely possible and the half-life has been found to be longer than originally thought (being around 36 hours) so ED injections would be fine. Only issue with running TNE ED, IMO, is the solvents that are used. I am not sure about injecting Guaiacol and Ethyl Oleate every day. I am not sure if there would be some health risks involved with this, the stuff smells like paint thinner.
Prop ester even seems too long for 2 weekers, honestly, and I am just speaking from my own experience. A front load may help dramatically, I have been too chicken shit to try it. But using fast acting injectables and orals is the way too go and TNE and a strong oral sound like a good start because they kick in so fast.
I am still in the process of tweaking this, but the results I achieve during 2 weekers, I have kept. I don't think I lost a pound off my lifts after a 2 weeker, did drop weight though. My most recent cycle was a longer cycle, I lost all of my gains, but that could have been because I used a diff. company's PCT chems and I think they were shit.
I think my 2 week protocol will be something like 2 on 2 off, 2 on 2 off, 2 on 4 off, and then repeat. Probably take 6 weeks off after one 2 weeker at some point. I will PCT in between each cycle.