Best Anti-Estrogen to take while on a Cycle?


New Member
Well, since I'm currently on the Hulk 400. Whats a very good quality anti-estrogen while you're on a cycle? I plan on taking Nolva and Comid as my pct once I get done with this. Was just wondering what I should take while I'm on this.

Would it be dumb to take an anti-estrogen OTC from body building or what? Just trying to gain more knowledge in this area. Thanks guys!
Gear Doses?

As for Anti E choice
best to find real pharma pct drugs
IMO aromasin works better for mild cycles or pct
letro and arimidex for harder cycles
Gear Doses?

As for Anti E choice
best to find real pharma pct drugs
IMO aromasin works better for mild cycles or pct
letro and arimidex for harder cycles

Test Ena 100mg, Test Cyp 100mg, Tren Enathate 100mg & Nand 100 mg.
Thinking about getting the Liquid Dex?
Test Ena 100mg, Test Cyp 100mg, Tren Enathate 100mg & Nand 100 mg.
Thinking about getting the Liquid Dex?
If your gonna be running tren and a nandrolone you definitely better have pharma grade ai. Your post says your already on this cycle but you don't have an ai and you thought you could get away with some bogus estrogen blocker from You need to not run aas and do a lot more research and ensure your ducks are in a row before you do a cycle.
If your gonna be running tren and a nandrolone you definitely better have pharma grade ai. Your post says your already on this cycle but you don't have an ai and you thought you could get away with some bogus estrogen blocker from You need to not run aas and do a lot more research and ensure your ducks are in a row before you do a cycle.
Low dosages of Aromatizing compounds but still need an AI. I always use Liquidex (Arimidex) and for this cycle I would start maybe .125 EOD. Hope you get some BW
Low dosages of Aromatizing compounds but still need an AI. I always use Liquidex (Arimidex) and for this cycle I would start maybe .125 EOD. Hope you get some BW

Yeah man, I made an order last Tuesday night & I still haven't had an email once its shipped or anything. I ordered Liquidex from the sponsor on here & I don't know what to do.
Email them and ask if you can. Last Tuesday seem like a long time to wait for a response. My source gives me email in a day or two and then a tracking #.
Good luck
I would start at .25 EOD and go from there. Have you gotten BW ?

Are you knowledgeable of the all the sides of high Estrogen.
If so pay close attention as to your appetite, energy, libido and of course you breasts.
Thank you, I got some Clomid coming in also. Should get it tomorrow or Saturday, hopefully. But won't take any of it after my last shot, two weeks after that.
Ok Now listen I'm on my laptop. SO are you educated in all the possible side effects of high n low Estrogen ?? If no I will post them so you can monitor your body between BW.
Let me know.
Low Estrogen Side Effects:
-Loss of appetite
- Osteoporosis (weakened bones) ; (long-term low levels)
- Poor sex drive
- Fatigue
- Lethargy
- Skin quality diminishes
- Depression
- Poor sense of wellbeing & poor quality of life

High Estrogen Side Effects:
- Gynecomastia
- Anxiety & panic attacks
- Depression with that will also be loss of appetite.
- Erectile dysfunction
- Water retention
- High blood pressure
- Loss of balance/instability/dizziness
- Respiratory related concerns
- Irritability
- Low libido
- Insomnia
- Prostate related issues

AS you can see the both are quite similar.

So if you start to loose your appetite and get a little lethargic , loosing energy. loose you boners , morning woody's and or start to see your ankles swelling. Some of these things can alert you that your Estrogen is getting high. Give the sides a few days before assuming you have a problem. then I would up it from .25 EOD to .25 ED or go to .5 EOD .
Hope that helps.
Low Estrogen Side Effects:
-Loss of appetite
- Osteoporosis (weakened bones) ; (long-term low levels)
- Poor sex drive
- Fatigue
- Lethargy
- Skin quality diminishes
- Depression
- Poor sense of wellbeing & poor quality of life

High Estrogen Side Effects:
- Gynecomastia
- Anxiety & panic attacks
- Depression with that will also be loss of appetite.
- Erectile dysfunction
- Water retention
- High blood pressure
- Loss of balance/instability/dizziness
- Respiratory related concerns
- Irritability
- Low libido
- Insomnia
- Prostate related issues

AS you can see the both are quite similar.

So if you start to loose your appetite and get a little lethargic , loosing energy. loose you boners , morning woody's and or start to see your ankles swelling. Some of these things can alert you that your Estrogen is getting high. Give the sides a few days before assuming you have a problem. then I would up it from .25 EOD to .25 ED or go to .5 EOD .
Hope that helps.

It sure would help if you would cite the source of this list, so others could verify it's legitimacy and/or utility in those cycling AAS

As I've mentioned previously, the problem with such "users lists" (as they are often referred to) is they almost always lack the degree of sensitivity and/or specificity required for "users" to guide therapeutic intervention.
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Hey glad you chimed in Jim. I am wondering do you disagree with the list of side effects of High and low estrogen that I have listed.

I remember seeing something you posted in regard to people treating high estrogen when they had no symptoms. I think I got that right, but maybe not. If I am referencing correctly please explain what you are talking about. Isn't my list some and most of the symptoms?