Best Anti-Estrogen to take while on a Cycle?

Not having any problems really. Thanks for the post pal!Took some LiquidDex Thursday and gonna take some tonight too.
Hey man , you took some Adex this am so why are you taking it again. Please , you're on T400 week and that's your aromatizing compound 400mgs week or did I miss something.

Be careful with Arimidex it is strong and acts fast. Go easy or you can crash ya know. You do not want to crash. So I think everyone has said .25 ED ??
Hey man , you took some Adex this am so why are you taking it again. Please , you're on T400 week and that's your aromatizing compound 400mgs week or did I miss something.

Be careful with Arimidex it is strong and acts fast. Go easy or you can crash ya know. You do not want to crash. So I think everyone has said .25 ED ??

Yeah, I'm just doing 400mg a week, nothing too crazy. The gear is about a year old. So, I think its gotten weak some. But, still I just been taking it easy on it. Even though its liquid and I pull it back in the syringe feeder. Then take it. First time I did .5mg, too much? Haven't touched it since last Thursday. This time .25mg?
Do .25 mg ED most. Just start tomorrow with .25 again. Then once a day at anytime of day. Better same time of course.

I have had gear 4 years old and nothing was wrong with it. Still G2G. It was pharmaceutical not from an UGL.
Well, since I'm currently on the Hulk 400. Whats a very good quality anti-estrogen while you're on a cycle? I plan on taking Nolva and Comid as my pct once I get done with this. Was just wondering what I should take while I'm on this.

Would it be dumb to take an anti-estrogen OTC from body building or what? Just trying to gain more knowledge in this area. Thanks guys!
Okay, well since it's the Hulk 400 I have no idea.... Do you by chance mind moving to the Captain America 250, or the Iron Man 300? If you don't mind, I can help you a bit more.

Guys, I have a question. I have a drug test for a big job opportunity on this Thursday coming up, had an interview a month go. But going for my physical and urine test Thursday. Only thing taking was Hulk 400 (T400) & been taking LiquiDex. Besides those two, think I'll be okay? or what you guys think I should do? Thank you.
Guys, I have a question. I have a drug test for a big job opportunity on this Thursday coming up, had an interview a month go. But going for my physical and urine test Thursday. Only thing taking was Hulk 400 (T400) & been taking LiquiDex. Besides those two, think I'll be okay? or what you guys think I should do? Thank you.

You have to take BLOOD to test for Steroids. You have to have a specified blood test to get your Testosterone levels.

They are not looking or doing any testing for the above. It doesn't show in urine. Do nothing and continue on.... your worry is unfounded and not real. Toxins , drugs is what they are looking for. Pot and opiates and other.... Not hormones and Adex is not illegal or something to abuse.
Man, I honestly hope you don't fuck yourself up... what made you think it was a good idea to start AAS without even having your AI or pct with you from the start? It sounds like you don't have a clue what you're doing and got impatient and jumped the gun... I would be spending several hours a day here on out reading and teaching yourself as you go, since you already started... smh.
Man, I honestly hope you don't fuck yourself up... what made you think it was a good idea to start AAS without even having your AI or pct with you from the start? It sounds like you don't have a clue what you're doing and got impatient and jumped the gun... I would be spending several hours a day here on out reading and teaching yourself as you go, since you already started... smh.

I'm not too worried about it. I know what I'm doing now, I got an AI & PCT. I knew everything except the AI. You live and learn, just like everything else. Since, I've been taking an AI, I can tell it better in my chest, gyno wise. Also, the gear I have is kinda weak, but gaining strength,I guess where its over a year old after the exp date.

Anyways, I been searching and surfing the forum for knowledge. Learned a lot since I made this thread. Thanks.
Man a year after the exp date means nothing. I already have testified I have used Testosterone that was 4 years or more old. I was on a long cycle of it and my Test level got up to over 7,000 ng/dL.

You have a lot to learn yet........:confused: