Best time to apply testosterone gel?


New Member
I'm a little confused. I thought that applying it after getting up would be best to mimick a normal cycle because in the morning T is usually highest. But now I read this at the website of those testo-patches. They advise applying the patches in the EVENING to get a normal cycle.
And I also read at a site of a doctor that one should apply gel in the evening, too. What's best now? Morning or evening? :confused:

Apply Androderm Each Evening, Between 8:00 p.m. and Midnight: This results in a daily cycle of testosterone levels similar to the pattern in healthy young men with normal levels of testosterone.
I'm a little confused. I thought that applying it after getting up would be best to mimick a normal cycle because in the morning T is usually highest. But now I read this at the website of those testo-patches. They advise applying the patches in the EVENING to get a normal cycle.
And I also read at a site of a doctor that one should apply gel in the evening, too. What's best now? Morning or evening? :confused:

It really doesnt matter all that much. You achieve a steady state serum level in a week or less. There is a bit of a spike a couple hours after gel application. Most dont even notice it.
I like the afternoon about 230 pm after working out.--- for me that lowers my probability of transfer of androgel to anyone, wife, grandkids etc.

anytime is ok as long as you dont bath/shower or sweat heavily within 4-5 hrs after application.
Personal preference. I like applying in the evening because for me personally I get more consistent morning wood and I really like waking up in the morning with a raging hardon. Sets the proper tone for the rest of the day. But it really doesn't matter and is just personal preference.
Does this mean that trying to mimick the normal cycle has no advantages?

For example if men usually get a testo spike in the morning then this means that the body produces mostly at night or in the early morning. Does he do this because the testo levels start to decline during this time and because of this the production gets fired on?
Maybe this is totally off but I thought if you apply the gel at the wrong time and for example still had much testo in the blood during the morning hours then they body would also see no need in starting to produce anything while on the other hand if you apply the gel at such a time that you'd reach low levels during the morning then the body would notice this and produce own testo.
But this whole stuff only makes sense if the body actually produces own testo because if it has totally stopped then it really wouldn't matter when you apply it. :confused:
Does this mean that trying to mimick the normal cycle has no advantages?

No. I think it is advantageous to try and mimic the natural rhythm as much as possible. This is one reason why I think gels are superior to injections. But some men just don't take to them, they either can't absorb it or it's just not effective for some other reason.

For example if men usually get a testo spike in the morning then this means that the body produces mostly at night or in the early morning.

Yes. Most of our natural testosterone is produced while we sleep. That's why our natty levels are highest first thing in the AM. But that's not why I dose at night. I dose at night because I consistently and without fail have raging hardons which wake me up before the alarm clock when I rollover on them. :D
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No. I think it is advantageous to try and mimic the natural rhythm as much as possible. This is one reason why I think gels are superior to injections. But some men just don't take to them, they either can't absorb it or it's just not effective for some other reason.

Yes. Most of our natural testosterone is produced while we sleep. That's why our natty levels are highest first thing in the AM. But that's not why I dose at night. I dose at night because I consistently and without fail have raging hardons which wake me up before the alarm clock when I rollover on them. :D

I apply my Testim right after getting up in the morning, but still wake up with a stiffy in the morning. I have never tried applying before bed. Someday I'm going to have to get my morning level tested before applying the Testim instead of 5 hours after.
I've been on the gel for 7 days and I have no morning hardons at all.

And at the moment I also stay up long and sleep long til maybe 3PM. Is it a problem if I apply the gel after waking up at 3PM or will this mess with my "natural cycle"? But getting up after a short sleep only in order to apply the gel and then going back to bed would also suck cause then I'd have a hard time falling asleep again. :confused:
I've been on the gel for 7 days and I have no morning hardons at all.

You need to give it some time. Took some 4 weeks before I even started to notice any effects. But the first thing I noticed was morning hardons for the first time in several decades. We're always in such a hurry for shit to take. We're like an instant gratification culture.
You need to give it some time. Took some 4 weeks before I even started to notice any effects. But the first thing I noticed was morning hardons for the first time in several decades. We're always in such a hurry for shit to take. We're like an instant gratification culture.

I had such high expectations because my doc told me all kinds of things and he gave me the impression that I should almost immediately notice effects like better mood, better ability to focus, more strength. And since I feel nothing I am pretty pissed. And he now thinks that since I had mid-range levels in my last tests that I don't really have too little T and this also explains why I notice no difference.
I had such high expectations because my doc told me all kinds of things and he gave me the impression that I should almost immediately notice effects like better mood, better ability to focus, more strength. And since I feel nothing I am pretty pissed. And he now thinks that since I had mid-range levels in my last tests that I don't really have too little T and this also explains why I notice no difference.

Again, give it more time. 2-4 weeks. You will know by then if gels work for you. What gel are you takiing? what dose?

IMHO. gels are superior to shots if you can get gels to work for you. I guess gels simply don't work for all men-- not sure why but if they do work gels will up your libido TREMENDOUSLY. Gels won't cure ED in all men but it helps like crazy.

lots and pros and cons with gels but pros > cons for me.

give it more time-- idf it doesn't work-- call your MD and ask to switch to shots!
Again, give it more time. 2-4 weeks. You will know by then if gels work for you. What gel are you takiing? what dose?

IMHO. gels are superior to shots if you can get gels to work for you. I guess gels simply don't work for all men-- not sure why but if they do work gels will up your libido TREMENDOUSLY. Gels won't cure ED in all men but it helps like crazy.

lots and pros and cons with gels but pros > cons for me.

give it more time-- idf it doesn't work-- call your MD and ask to switch to shots!

He's using Testogel, which is the UK equivalent of Androgel. He only uses 2.5 gm daily, so his reaction will be highly dependent on how he applies it.
Yes, I am using 2.5gr testogel. I also tried rubbing the skin area before. I applied it to the shoulders and also tested it on the side of the stomach but did not notice any effects so I can't tell if the rubbing helps or if shoulder is better than stomach or vice versa.

Also getting 2.5gr out of the sachet is totally annoying and it's also not possible to get 2.5gr out on both days. If I take out 2.5gr on day 1 then on the next day I can squeeze the sachet out as much as I want I simply do not even get close to another 2.5gr! This means if I use exactly 2.5gr on day 1 then I get less on day 2. If I wanted it to be exactly 50/50 I would have to use around 2.30gr on both days to be sure I get exactly the same every day. This totally sucks and it also costs a lot of time to weigh it and then squeeze some gel out and weigh again and squeeze again and weigh again. This is like busying fresh meat at the butcher and you want exactly 200gr meat. When you have to do this weighing every morning then this becomes totally annoying!
Without a fine scale which measures 2 digits behind the comma you had NO chance to even come close to getting 50% out. You cannot do this by sight or feeling.
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Beav, it doesnt really matter. It averages out quickly. What are you weighing it out on? A triple beam balance?

Yes, I am using 2.5gr testogel. I also tried rubbing the skin area before. I applied it to the shoulders and also tested it on the side of the stomach but did not notice any effects so I can't tell if the rubbing helps or if shoulder is better than stomach or vice versa.

Also getting 2.5gr out of the sachet is totally annoying and it's also not possible to get 2.5gr out on both days. If I take out 2.5gr on day 1 then on the next day I can squeeze the sachet out as much as I want I simply do not even get close to another 2.5gr! This means if I use exactly 2.5gr on day 1 then I get less on day 2. If I wanted it to be exactly 50/50 I would have to use around 2.30gr on both days to be sure I get exactly the same every day. This totally sucks and it also costs a lot of time to weigh it and then squeeze some gel out and weigh again and squeeze again and weigh again. This is like busying fresh meat at the butcher and you want exactly 200gr meat. When you have to do this weighing every morning then this becomes totally annoying!
Without a fine scale which measures 2 digits behind the comma you had NO chance to even come close to getting 50% out. You cannot do this by sight or feeling.
Beav, it doesnt really matter. It averages out quickly. What are you weighing it out on? A triple beam balance?

Right, don't worry if you apply 2 gm one day and 3 gm the next. There is not enough difference in 0.5 gm from half to worry about it. I have been using part of a tube of Testim for a year and I can't tell any difference day to day. I have a scale accurate to 0.1 gm, but I have never even considered using it to measure the Testim.
Yes, I am using 2.5gr testogel. I also tried rubbing the skin area before. I applied it to the shoulders and also tested it on the side of the stomach but did not notice any effects so I can't tell if the rubbing helps or if shoulder is better than stomach or vice versa.

Also getting 2.5gr out of the sachet is totally annoying and it's also not possible to get 2.5gr out on both days. If I take out 2.5gr on day 1 then on the next day I can squeeze the sachet out as much as I want I simply do not even get close to another 2.5gr! This means if I use exactly 2.5gr on day 1 then I get less on day 2. If I wanted it to be exactly 50/50 I would have to use around 2.30gr on both days to be sure I get exactly the same every day. This totally sucks and it also costs a lot of time to weigh it and then squeeze some gel out and weigh again and squeeze again and weigh again. This is like busying fresh meat at the butcher and you want exactly 200gr meat. When you have to do this weighing every morning then this becomes totally annoying!
Without a fine scale which measures 2 digits behind the comma you had NO chance to even come close to getting 50% out. You cannot do this by sight or feeling.

While you are wasting time doing this, the alcohol is evaporating, which will lessen absorption. Just take a guess at 1/2 and apply it as soon as possible.
Do you think the alcohol evaporates within seconds? I mean this takes maybe 1 minute maximally. I put some on my shoulder, weigh, put on more, weigh again until I come close to 2.5g.

I'd rather imagine that it could be a problem if I open the sachet with a scissor on the edge and then squeeze out gel and then fold the top to keep air from getting in or out. Do you think this could minimize the effectivity? Cause in the manual it says all the gel needs to be used immediately. :confused:
And he now thinks that since I had mid-range levels in my last tests that I don't really have too little T and this also explains why I notice no difference.

He's using Testogel, which is the UK equivalent of Androgel. He only uses 2.5 gm daily, so his reaction will be highly dependent on how he applies it.

I don't understand this at all. You had mid-range levels prior to starting TRT and the Doc prescribed you half of the normal starting dose? WTF. All that's gonna do is shut down your natty production and not give you enough supplemental T to make up for it. That's just a recipe for disaster. If you weren't hypogonadal before you sure as shit will be soon. At that dose your only viable option is to slap it on your satchel, DHT be damned.
Dude you scare me. He's out of office now. I will not see him in the next 5-6 weeks. He told me to stick to the plan. I had many tests over the years and always had low levels except maybe 2 times and before I went on the gel he drew blood again and then I went on the gel and then I talked to him and he said that my levels were mid-range and that actually it doesn't look that bad but that may have been one day. I mean it cannot be a coincidence that in the majority of the tests I had over the years my levels were totally low. Just take a look at my results in my other thread. I was 22 and already had around 260ng/dl. How can this be a coincidence?

Now I'm really worried that 1/2 the dose might fuck me up. What do I do now? If I now go to another doctor then this won't help me much it will only cause more confusion.

At that dose your only viable option is to slap it on your satchel, DHT be damned.

You mean apply it directly on the sac? But what if this has side effects? The manual explicitly says not to apply it to the genitals because of the alcohol. But what if it has other side effects, too?
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Dude you scare me. He's out of office now. I will not see him in the next 5-6 weeks. He told me to stick to the plan. I had many tests over the years and always had low levels except maybe 2 times and before I went on the gel he drew blood again and then I went on the gel and then I talked to him and he said that my levels were mid-range and that actually it doesn't look that bad but that may have been one day. I mean it cannot be a coincidence that in the majority of the tests I had over the years my levels were totally low. Just take a look at my results in my other thread. I was 22 and already had around 260ng/dl. How can this be a coincidence?

Now I'm really worried that 1/2 the dose might fuck me up. What do I do now? If I now go to another doctor then this won't help me much it will only cause more confusion.

You mean apply it directly on the sac? But what if this has side effects? The manual explicitly says not to apply it to the genitals because of the alcohol. But what if it has other side effects, too?

I rub excess there!!!

side effects = higher total test, huge libido, stiff hard erections, big ejaculates --- all terrible sides :)