Best way to regain lost blood?

Chris U.

New Member
IDK what other forum to post this in, so I figured one releated to health lol
I lost up to 1 Liter of blood from a recent post surgery. I'm significantly weaker after though seem to be regaining strength. Worse than other times I had to take off 7-10 days lifting. Im thinking coudl be the blood loss.
I been supplementing 2x a day with iron. Any thing else I can do to boost RBC production? (red blood cell). I'm on a mini bulk for a few weeks of 250 mg test 300 npp. Also 7 mg MK677 5 x a week. I do lower dose of PED's. . Partly b/c I"m 51 :-D. It just works better for me over all as well. WIll the test even though it's low dose help ? WIll increasing it to 350 help more ?
PS I estimated my blood loss based on hemoglobin and RBC # before and after the bleeding. Before surgeyr i was a little higher than middle normal. After I was 0.1 unit above from being in the Low catergory (at least I wasnt in the low otherwisse I mght have been given a transfusion (?).
Drink lots of water, eat lots of red meat, hop on equipoise. But like @Spaceman Spiff said, it’s likely in your head. A liter sounds like a lot but I’ve donated half that and lifted the same day and didn’t notice a difference.
IDK what other forum to post this in, so I figured one releated to health lol
I lost up to 1 Liter of blood from a recent post surgery. I'm significantly weaker after though seem to be regaining strength. Worse than other times I had to take off 7-10 days lifting. Im thinking coudl be the blood loss.
I been supplementing 2x a day with iron. Any thing else I can do to boost RBC production? (red blood cell). I'm on a mini bulk for a few weeks of 250 mg test 300 npp. Also 7 mg MK677 5 x a week. I do lower dose of PED's. . Partly b/c I"m 51 :-D. It just works better for me over all as well. WIll the test even though it's low dose help ? WIll increasing it to 350 help more ?
PS I estimated my blood loss based on hemoglobin and RBC # before and after the bleeding. Before surgeyr i was a little higher than middle normal. After I was 0.1 unit above from being in the Low catergory (at least I wasnt in the low otherwisse I mght have been given a transfusion (?).
Just wait. Your body restores blood volume pretty quickly, especially the important bits like rbc. You’re ok.
The plasma will be restored in days. While getting enough iron will help a doubt taking large doses will have a positive effect. And as most things higher levels then your body needs will just through other thing's out of balance.