BESTGEAR - Balkan Pharma, SP Labs, ZPHC, Spectrum Pharma (INT/USA Dom)

He's built up quite the following over here. Not customers, but folks who are happy to take a bit of time out of their day to tell him to fuck himself whenever he chooses to come around.

And on that note, fuck you @Bestgear
He is like herpes always showing up when not wanted maybe instead of ramborghini gear he can call it herpes gear and a big ol fuck you @Bestgear from the bottom of my scrotum
Hi guys. we made another HPLC lab tests with graphics on new batch of Spectrum Pharma. we sent on test 12 products, 12 closed vials of all expensive products also, Spectrum quality as usual is top notch!

Here are result of first 6 products:
Equipoise (Bold) 250mg/ml - result 269mg
Nandrolone Decanoate (Nandro D) 250mg/ml - result 274mg
NPP (Nandro PH) 100mg/ml - result 109mg
Primobolan (Primobolan Depot) 100mg/ml - result 109mg
Methasterone (Superdrol) 50mg/ml - result 58mg
Sustanon (Testo Mix) 250mg/ml - result 265mg
bold 250.png DECA.png Nandro ph.png Primo.png superdrol.png Sustanon.png bold 250 !.png deca 250 !.png nandro ph !.png primo !.png superrol !.png sust !.png
Here are results of last 6 products:
Test Cyp (Testo C) 250mg/ml - inside 220mg (do not know why Test C Spectrum claimed 250mg, it always was 200mg and in ampoules also 200mg)
Test Enanthate (Testo E) 250mg/ml - inside 253mg
Test Prop (Testo P) 100mg/ml - inside 116mg
Tren Acetate (Tren A) 100mg/ml - inside 106mg
Tren Enanthate (Tren E) 200mg/ml - inside 205mg
Winstrol suspension (Stromba Aqua) 50mg/ml - inside 49mg
TEST CYP.png TEST E 250.png test p.png Tren A.png TREN E.png Winstrol susp.png test cyp !.png Test E !.png Test P !.png Tren A !.png Tren E !.png Wins susp !.png