Better experiences/events provided by steroid use

For better or worse testosterone makes us more human. I'd prefer to be sent back in time with a jug of test (and adex) and plunder villages with the bros wink. There's a whole bunch of experiences we are surely missing out on in modern society that go along with testosterone.

Agree ;)
I actually lived a couple of years in Germany without becoming fluent in German because everything was so easy in English. German women I dated would react with rolled eyes and say, "Just speak English." It seems everybody spoke it. As soon as I would start bumbling along in my pitiful German, they would smile and break out in English. (If I started with English, though, Germans would react like they spoke no English. I guess it was the effort that mattered). Holland was even easier to be an English speaker. I swear the Dutch speak better English than the English and Americans. England? I could not understand anybody.

Which country are you that you see and hear and read English daily?
Man, I drive a 20 years old diesel BMW. That should tell you enough, I live in 2nd world country lets put it that way without being very specific about it.

Lots of Europeans talk English, at least younger people. English is everywhere it starts in school like in 6th class (that's that we call it here, begins at the age of ~12). Then you have shops, malls, billboards all written in English so everybody even tourists could understand. Not to mention products you buy it is all written in English and if you wanna read what description of it says in our language then you have to see where the small letters are (for example a can of drink, you see big letter with a text written in English clearly. Turn that around and see text written in other languages including our own in small letters).

Naturally second language is English here. Only older people don't speak it at all and don't bother to learn it.

Actually here in Europe it's not uncommon to speak 3 languages. It's been like that for some time now I guess, at least from 2000's.