Better joint relief on Deca or npp ?


With both being 19-nor I know the comparison will be very close. But I still want to ask the experts (you guys) your feedback / experience with the best joint pain relief, was it on deca or npp, were the side effects worth that extra relief on one vs the other?
My joints are definitely acting up the older I get, old injuries from sports, and being run over by a car seem to be making themselves present.

You guys are awesome, thanks for your feedback
As Narta said they are the same compound
Just different esters.
Deca is Nandrolone Decanoate
NPP is Nadrolone phenylpropionate

NPP should be injected daily or at least every other day
Deca can be injected weekly. So for joint relief Deca is more commonly used and more practical
Ran Deca at 150 and got lovely relief and currently running 200 a week NPP and my tennis elbow has gone! Both compounds give me relief. I plan to bring NPP down to see where I get relief at as I prefer it…..,so much more control over dosing.
I don't really get any relief from Deca or NPP. I guess it really just depends on how bad your joints are to begin with. I have old baseball catcher knees so that's probably my issue.
They are exactly the same as far as the co pound, it’s the Esther attached that’s different. Now that being said I’ve heard the joint lubrication is better with deca, the longer esther, because of the half life being longer therefore it’s more stabilized than the npp….
They are exactly the same as far as the co pound, it’s the Esther attached that’s different. Now that being said I’ve heard the joint lubrication is better with deca, the longer esther, because of the half life being longer therefore it’s more stabilized than the npp….
Surely NPP pinned daily or eod is as stable?
For those of you using either compound for joint relief, does it just mask the issue (and the joint pain comes back when not using) or did the drug actually help heal/resolve the issues long term?
For those of you using either compound for joint relief, does it just mask the issue (and the joint pain comes back when not using) or did the drug actually help heal/resolve the issues long term?
All I know mate is my shoulder has hurt for years. After steriod injections and physio nothing has got rid of the daily pain. Deca and NPP has got rid and for that I’m happy masking or not.
For those of you using either compound for joint relief, does it just mask the issue (and the joint pain comes back when not using) or did the drug actually help heal/resolve the issues long term?
Most sources will tell you that deca doesn't actually heal tissue, but it works like an NSAID on pain. Yes, it merely masks the discomfort.
Yes, it merely masks the discomfort.
This is absolutely correct.

It can help with recovery after injury/surgery, IIRC there are at the very least rodent models showing this, however I wouldn't use it as a long term band aid for pain. One needs to address root causes of their injuries/pain, choose from a plethora of peptides or biologics we luckily have at our disposal to aid in long-term remission, correction, or cure of the aforementioned.
For those of you using either compound for joint relief, does it just mask the issue (and the joint pain comes back when not using) or did the drug actually help heal/resolve the issues long term?
the pain came back after I got off it. I think it's just temporary because of the increased fluid around the joint?
Right now I intend to run it long term with breaks every 8-10 weeks. I know it’s not healthy but that’s my choice as I’m done with my shoulder pain and the NHS have done nothing to help other than physio and anti inflammatory drugs which are not helpful. Both NPP and Deca at doses around 100mg a week have made me forget about my painful shoulder to the point I don’t feel any difference from my other. It’s the best thing I’ve tried and found out about. And yep it may be not the healthiest but nor is drinking alcohol, smoking, recreational drugs etc that I do none off.
Right now I intend to run it long term with breaks every 8-10 weeks. I know it’s not healthy but that’s my choice as I’m done with my shoulder pain and the NHS have done nothing to help other than physio and anti inflammatory drugs which are not helpful. Both NPP and Deca at doses around 100mg a week have made me forget about my painful shoulder to the point I don’t feel any difference from my other. It’s the best thing I’ve tried and found out about. And yep it may be not the healthiest but nor is drinking alcohol, smoking, recreational drugs etc that I do none off.
Not to sound like a broken record like a broken record like a broken record like a broken record but have you tried using peptides like BPC157 or TB500, to name a few?
Not to sound like a broken record like a broken record like a broken record like a broken record but have you tried using peptides like BPC157 or TB500, to name a few?
I haven’t but I’ve also been told from people that have it was a waste of time. Now I appreciate its different for different people like all this is but right now this is working for me. I may look into these in the future as I appreciate if I do respond well they do help heal.