BG pharmaceutical drugs

Yes, this is how it works.

The pharmacy didn't have half the products my customers bought but they were ordered by the pharmacy and available on the next day. If one pharmacy stops giving me products I will go to the next one. If all stop I will close the shop. It won't be the end of the world.

Fuck me
He took the concept of just-in-time manufacturing and applied it to the prescription drug black market. I don’t know if I’m impressed or mortified.
I might do it for the lols if I make some money out of this. :)

There is 2 lab tests for clen in the forum, search for Sopharma Clenbuterol and you will see the thread. it is underdosed.

Omandren is working for me, I am just finishing my first steroid cycle. 19 days after I started taking 500 mg E3.5D I tested my E2 and this was the result, 4 times the upper limit.

View attachment 155442

So I started taking half a tab of exemestane EOD and did new tests after almost 2 months. It came up just great. So I guess pfizer exemestane is not bunk fake shit as well. :)

View attachment 155443

Btw I had zero sides besides extremly oily skin and pimples on my arms where I had never had pimples before, that was odd.

edit: to MisterSuperGod, yeah I forgot to tell about that. I had no intention to do a cycle still but for 2-3 months had low libido and was very hard to get it hard. I was taking anavar solo and tough it won't shut me down but after I saw the lab results I just went and bought a box of omnadren and had real nice boners for the last 3+ months. Don't know what I will be doing when the cycle ends. :D

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Oh boy! MSG is gonna love this one lol .. you might be in for it for that one..... kinda cant wait to see how this goes....
Retabolil out of stock.

(modafinil) ASPENDOS tablets 100 mg * 30 added to the shop.

Аnastrozole by Alvogen is out of stock as well and replaced by one from Actavis. Arimidex is an available if you prefer it. The price is double though.
Does Omnadren cause pip? I've tried 2 UGL sust now and got pip off both, I never get pip off test e or c

My experience with omandren:

First I want correct myself, I was not taking 500 mg E3.5D. I meant I was taking 500 mg per week.

So the first month I was self injecting 1 ampule into the glutes which is not very easy. There was no pain at first but after like 12-16 hours the PIP starts and last for like 2 days. I would say the pain is 1.5 out of 10, very minimal but not very pleasant for me personally. Then I started using insulin needles and injecting half an ampule in my belly EOD, half of it on one spot and the other half on another spot. This way there is zero PIP, no bumps, no redness, nothing.

I think the PIP comes from the benzyl alcohol the omnadren has.
Oh boy! MSG is gonna love this one lol .. you might be in for it for that one..... kinda cant wait to see how this goes....

Already seen and commented in the first thread. It seems most members here just want cheap gear with a good t/a and we have a cry baby or three that whines about the vetting, so fuck 'em. They can do their own leg work or blindly take their chances. Don't mean a fuck to me.
My experience with omandren:

First I want correct myself, I was not taking 500 mg E3.5D. I meant I was taking 500 mg per week.

So the first month I was self injecting 1 ampule into the glutes which is not very easy. There was no pain at first but after like 12-16 hours the PIP starts and last for like 2 days. I would say the pain is 1.5 out of 10, very minimal but not very pleasant for me personally. Then I started using insulin needles and injecting half an ampule in my belly EOD, half of it on one spot and the other half on another spot. This way there is zero PIP, no bumps, no redness, nothing.

I think the PIP comes from the benzyl alcohol the omnadren has.
Alright I might try one box first to see how pip is, I use insulin needles as well.
I ordered Ovitrelle from him. I can assure that his products are legit and the codes mentioned on the packaging can also be verified. He also sent me a box of tamoxifen and 3 tabs of aromasin as a gift.

I can only recommend him.
Already seen and commented in the first thread. It seems most members here just want cheap gear with a good t/a and we have a cry baby or three that whines about the vetting, so fuck 'em. They can do their own leg work or blindly take their chances. Don't mean a fuck to me.
Yes It Is GIF
My experience with omandren:

First I want correct myself, I was not taking 500 mg E3.5D. I meant I was taking 500 mg per week.

So the first month I was self injecting 1 ampule into the glutes which is not very easy. There was no pain at first but after like 12-16 hours the PIP starts and last for like 2 days. I would say the pain is 1.5 out of 10, very minimal but not very pleasant for me personally. Then I started using insulin needles and injecting half an ampule in my belly EOD, half of it on one spot and the other half on another spot. This way there is zero PIP, no bumps, no redness, nothing.

I think the PIP comes from the benzyl alcohol the omnadren has.
Just do delts and quads, its so easy and painless. Why so much hassle to jab that ass? Your ass not virgin?
Hello. Do you have Ritalin, Concerta or Elvanse?
Looks like there was Concerta before some months but it is out of stock. Anyway they are considered almost psychoactive drugs and I won't sell them.

Just do delts and quads, its so easy and painless. Why so much hassle to jab that ass? Your ass not virgin?
I tried quads but felt like a druggie and had bad nausea. Not for me.

