BG pharmaceutical drugs

I ordered Ovitrelle from him. I can assure that his products are legit and the codes mentioned on the packaging can also be verified. He also sent me a box of tamoxifen and 3 tabs of aromasin as a gift.

I can only recommend him.

3 tabs of Aromasin? Who you gonna scare with that?

i don't want to dump on you or nothin', but using your first post to recommend a source that is most likely another (failed) source looks extremely suspect.

You may be legit, who knows? Just being honest with ya'. Stick around. There's more to Meso than just the sources.
I ordered Ovitrelle from him. I can assure that his products are legit and the codes mentioned on the packaging can also be verified. He also sent me a box of tamoxifen and 3 tabs of aromasin as a gift.

I can only recommend him.
the guy just took out 3 tabs from the blister pack and gave them to you?
honestly, BG just sounds like that one dude from the gym who "can get you anything". we all know that one guy but you know he's full of shit.
I haven't been on discord since I decided to go VHS over BETA Max.

[Notice: Anyone born post Grunge Rock or Baywatch probably won't get that]

Seriously...I can't believe discord is still a thing, thought Titanium and Anonymous we're the last of the "no it's safe here I promise guys" discord servers
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Already seen and commented in the first thread. It seems most members here just want cheap gear with a good t/a and we have a cry baby or three that whines about the vetting, so fuck 'em. They can do their own leg work or blindly take their chances. Don't mean a fuck to me.
I just thought it was funny cause when you had said the thing about the dipshits will comment on feels and boners .... wich he must of not understood what you were saying cause he was then like "oh ya, so I've been getting some rockstar bones blah blah blah" lmao ... from the horses mouth... well then this stuff must be legit if the guy selling it has a pretty sweet dick now right lol ... shit cracked me up
3 tabs of Aromasin? Who you gonna scare with that?

i don't want to dump on you or nothin', but using your first post to recommend a source that is most likely another (failed) source looks extremely suspect.

You may be legit, who knows? Just being honest with ya'. Stick around. There's more to Meso than just the sources.
I am doing pct at the moment. I am not recommending him for 3 Aromasin tablets, but because his medicines are real and not too expensive as others. I have no personal connections with him.
the guy just took out 3 tabs from the blister pack and gave them to you?
honestly, BG just sounds like that one dude from the gym who "can get you anything". we all know that one guy but you know he's full of shit.
I basically ordered ovitrelle, he sent the extra stuff graciously, and it is not only aromasin, he also sent a sealed box of tamoxifen.
I basically ordered ovitrelle, he sent the extra stuff graciously, and it is not only aromasin, he also sent a sealed box of tamoxifen.
So you found him here...on Meso? What made you decide to send this source your BTC? I'm not being a dick, seriously curious
You have to understand your post count isn't a judgement on you, however it does influence your creditably. Would like to know what sold you on this cat
Game Show Jeopardy GIF by ABC Network

I didn't think so...
I am doing pct at the moment. I am not recommending him for 3 Aromasin tablets,

Oh, i know, it just seems strange to send 3 tablets. Maybe he doesn't use gear and didn't realize 3 tablets won't go far?

i should also correct myself. In my previous reply i said something along the lines of him possibly being a former source. That was incorrect. i got this source mixed up with another one.
So you found him here...on Meso? What made you decide to send this source your BTC? I'm not being a dick, seriously curious
You have to understand your post count isn't a judgement on you, however it does influence your creditably. Would like to know what sold you on this cat
The products were of reasonable price as compared to other sellers and I only spent 60$ for trial purpose. I didn’t bulk order from him at first.
I wouldn’t call him cat, because he hasn’t done harm to me or someone else. If you think he is not a legit source then order something cheap or in less quantity and get it tested. Just my 50 cents :)
I think the PIP comes from the benzyl alcohol the omnadren has.
I think you don’t know anything about chemistry. Pip in sustanon comes from the test prop. The ester itself is what’s painful. Outside of Iran Hormone, every single preparation of testosterone from pharma to UGL is made with benzyl alcohol. It’s the reason why your vial doesn’t become a Petri dish within days of puncturing it. My advice is to not give out answers to questions if you don’t know what you’re talking about. Just say “I don’t know” rather than making something up.
I think you don’t know anything about chemistry. Pip in sustanon comes from the test prop. The ester itself is what’s painful. Outside of Iran Hormone, every single preparation of testosterone from pharma to UGL is made with benzyl alcohol. It’s the reason why your vial doesn’t become a Petri dish within days of puncturing it. My advice is to not give out answers to questions if you don’t know what you’re talking about. Just say “I don’t know” rather than making something up.
You have a point. I just remember reading on a forum the PIP could be from the benzyl alcohol and stated it. I know test prop is painful and this is one of the reasons I would never use it personally, though a guy from my gym said he used it and had zero PIP. I guess he was sold bunk. Don't get him, when he can go to the pharmacy and buy omnadren why he buys from a local guy. Last time he even bough "something with 4 types of testosterone in it" and said he felt great. Imagine buying sustanon from the local guy instead of buying it from the pharmacy. He is not very educated on that matter, he thinks aromatization means your body stinks and the medication prevents the stink. :D
You have a point. I just remember reading on a forum the PIP could be from the benzyl alcohol and stated it. I know test prop is painful and this is one of the reasons I would never use it personally, though a guy from my gym said he used it and had zero PIP. I guess he was sold bunk. Don't get him, when he can go to the pharmacy and buy omnadren why he buys from a local guy. Last time he even bough "something with 4 types of testosterone in it" and said he felt great. Imagine buying sustanon from the local guy instead of buying it from the pharmacy. He is not very educated on that matter, he thinks aromatization means your body stinks and the medication prevents the stink. :D

Are you over the age of 18?
The products were of reasonable price as compared to other sellers and I only spent 60$ for trial purpose. I didn’t bulk order from him at first.
I wouldn’t call him cat, because he hasn’t done harm to me or someone else. If you think he is not a legit source then order something cheap or in less quantity and get it tested. Just my 50 cents :)
Bro, called him Cat know, bro, dude, homie,, not used as an insult. I missed it if you've said it, was the T/A on your test order reasonable?
A customer asked me to post this, don't know what his nick is here but the nick on his email is "okzero".


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