BG pharmaceutical drugs

Auction, best offer wins:

One Ozempic 1 mg straight from the pharmacy. Starting price $200.

Two Ozempics 0.5 mg each which were returned to me so they stayed for many months outside the fridge and I have no idea if they are still working or not. Starting price $10.

The two auctions end this friday.
Auction, best offer wins:

One Ozempic 1 mg straight from the pharmacy. Starting price $200.

Two Ozempics 0.5 mg each which were returned to me so they stayed for many months outside the fridge and I have no idea if they are still working or not. Starting price $10.

The two auctions end this friday.
Any info on this order?
Same issue over here. I made an order #15206 this order came quite quick but had 9items missing i mailed him several times that items where missing with pics as proof with no response.So I made another order because i was in need of some other products and added in the note please add missing items from order #15206 to this new order. I also mailed him this new order to his e-mail and asked him again to add the missing items to my new order #15581 now we are 15 days later from making the new order #15581 with still no response if the missing items where added still no tracking for the new order. I think i did everything on my end to let him know whats going on. I hope that my order is shipped with my missing items in it but at the end of the day i have no clue. Hope he reads this and responds. This issue is now 3months ongoing already and its getting annoying tbh
After posting this he answered my email. A few days after that the package was send. Today i received my package with missing items from previous orders. This hole process took about 3months.
After posting this he answered my email. A few days after that the package was send. Today i received my package with missing items from previous orders. This hole process took about 3months.
Sent him 3 mails. No replies. He accepted my payment tho but hasnt procceeded to ship. He has never been like this before. Last mail was me asking him to cancel my order and refund it.