The Lobster International,EU and UK domestic HGH,PEPTIDES and Turkish Pharmacy

Hello everyone

New product available



PEGylated growth hormone is a form of growth hormone that has been chemically modified by attaching polyethylene glycol (PEG) molecules to it. This modification increases the hormone's stability and extends its duration of action in the body, allowing for less frequent dosing.


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I am always sending my samples my self. I do make batches 40.000-60.000 vials around. Every new batch i make NEW test.

The product I sell satisfies everyone. This is quite a sufficient answer

Privacy and respect, please. These questions harm customer relations

Thank you

who sent the HGH sample with dimer testing?
My friend, do you have problems with reading comprehension?

I am kindly ask you to read again slowly please.

Thank you.

i asked you a straight forward question
a straight forward answer would be appreciated

let me ask you a yes/no question

Did you (TheLobster) send the HGH sample yourself for dimer testing?
i asked you a straight forward question
a straight forward answer would be appreciated

let me ask you a yes/no question

Did you (TheLobster) send the HGH sample yourself for dimer testing?

Simple question he’s been dodging since I asked also.

@TheLobster “These questions harm customer relations” yeah not at all. Your customers wanna know if you physically sent samples of this batch or not. Why? Because it looks like you’re selling shit based off someone else’s word not your own as the source, all because you were too fucking cheap to test two vials yourself. You’re telling me you produced at a minimum 40k vials and couldn’t afford a couple hundred dollars to personally grab two vials and spot check your batch of HGH?
i asked you a straight forward question
a straight forward answer would be appreciated

let me ask you a yes/no question

Did you (TheLobster) send the HGH sample yourself for dimer testing?
Simple question he’s been dodging since I asked also.

@TheLobster “These questions harm customer relations” yeah not at all. Your customers wanna know if you physically sent samples of this batch or not. Why? Because it looks like you’re selling shit based off someone else’s word not your own as the source, all because you were too fucking cheap to test two vials yourself. You’re telling me you produced at a minimum 40k vials and couldn’t afford a couple hundred dollars to personally grab two vials and spot check your batch of HGH?

What is so hard to understand?

Copy paste same answer again. ATTENTION READ WELL

**I am always sending my samples my self. I do make batches 40.000-60.000 vials around. Every new batch i make NEW test.**

As i said again? Do you want me to spell it for you? Then can you guys understand well?


Results is perfect,product is perfect,costumer serum test are perfect.

You guys couldn't find something to hit me? Trying to find new things? Which seller is paying you to badmouth me?

You are right to talk after you test my product with janoshink. If you want to make test by your self please add my name on test too. I would cover that extra result cost.


Thanks for all.
What is so hard to understand?

Copy paste same answer again. ATTENTION READ WELL

**I am always sending my samples my self. I do make batches 40.000-60.000 vials around. Every new batch i make NEW test.**

As i said again? Do you want me to spell it for you? Then can you guys understand well?


Results is perfect,product is perfect,costumer serum test are perfect.

You guys couldn't find something to hit me? Trying to find new things? Which seller is paying you to badmouth me?

You are right to talk after you test my product with janoshink. If you want to make test by your self please add my name on test too. I would cover that extra result cost.


Thanks for all.

Attention READ WELL DUMBASS…..which one of yall is actually doing the test here since it’s obviously not each of you? You did the same shit with the Tirz results. One of you is selling shit they aren’t personally testing…your customers wanna know if it’s you or K4L. Simple fucking question. I think everyone is clear at this point that you have no problem paying the fees to add your name to someone else’s testing, but thanks for the offer fucking moron

Attention READ WELL DUMBASS…..which one of yall is actually doing the test here since it’s obviously not each of you? You did the same shit with the Tirz results. One of you is selling shit they aren’t personally testing…your customers wanna know if it’s you or K4L. Simple fucking question. I think everyone is clear at this point that you have no problem paying the fees to add your name to someone else’s testing, but thanks for the offer fucking moron

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My dear,My love

It seems you have problems with reading comprehension. I'm explaining this to you as if you're a child, one last time, but if you still can't understand, there's nothing more I can do; you need to seek professional help.

I am a manufacturer. I produce and sell 9-10 types of products in large quantities. When customers request tests, I send the product to Janoshink and get 2 test results. This costs an additional $50-60. If the batch is the same and the raw material is the same, why should we keep repeating the same test?

If you want to buy in bulk, we can issue the same test result for you in your name for $50-60. Are you jealous of K4L? Is that why you're doing this?

No one is deceiving customers, and no one is selling fake products. Not a single person has left a bad review. Are you jealous of this? Is that why you're doing this?

I'm explaining everything to you very clearly and explicitly, but you just don't seem to want to understand. I'm starting to worry about your mental health.

Thank you my dear
My dear,My love

It seems you have problems with reading comprehension. I'm explaining this to you as if you're a child, one last time, but if you still can't understand, there's nothing more I can do; you need to seek professional help.

I am a manufacturer. I produce and sell 9-10 types of products in large quantities. When customers request tests, I send the product to Janoshink and get 2 test results. This costs an additional $50-60. If the batch is the same and the raw material is the same, why should we keep repeating the same test?

If you want to buy in bulk, we can issue the same test result for you in your name for $50-60. Are you jealous of K4L? Is that why you're doing this?

No one is deceiving customers, and no one is selling fake products. Not a single person has left a bad review. Are you jealous of this? Is that why you're doing this?

I'm explaining everything to you very clearly and explicitly, but you just don't seem to want to understand. I'm starting to worry about your mental health.

Thank you my dear

Finally a fucking answer without beating around the bush….thanks not that fucking difficult. Not that it matters because you should pick your business partners wisely and knowing they source shit from this sketchy ass operation is enough to prevent me from ordering from them anyways.

Refer to the bold above. This was asked because K4L specifically stated they were only using what according to you is your testing for their internal sourcing, not for advertising on their website or final sales. Which according to what you just said means they are lying as that Tirz report came straight from their website for the current batch of Tirz they are selling. Nobody ever said anything about your products being fake, me and every other customer want to know what I’m buying was tested by the source I’m buying from. Not being sold a test report from a sources original source overseas and then shipped some random shit in its place.
Finally a fucking answer without beating around the bush….thanks not that fucking difficult. Not that it matters because you should pick your business partners wisely and knowing they source shit from this sketchy ass operation is enough to prevent me from ordering from them anyways.

Refer to the bold above. This was asked because K4L specifically stated they were only using what according to you is your testing for their internal sourcing, not for advertising on their website or final sales. Which according to what you just said means they are lying as that Tirz report came straight from their website for the current batch of Tirz they are selling. Nobody ever said anything about your products being fake, me and every other customer want to know what I’m buying was tested by the source I’m buying from. Not being sold a test report from a sources original source overseas and then shipped some random shit in its place.

Look, you're falsely accusing people again. I've repeatedly warned you not to do this.

No one is lying about the test report.(tirz,hgh)

Stop making false accusations and try to be understanding, please.

I know you're getting paid for this. You're earning your money, but that's enough. Now go and continue spreading lies to other people.

I kindly ask you. Please
Look, you're falsely accusing people again. I've repeatedly warned you not to do this.

No one is lying about the test report.(tirz,hgh)

Stop making false accusations and try to be understanding, please.

I know you're getting paid for this. You're earning your money, but that's enough. Now go and continue spreading lies to other people.

I kindly ask you. Please

Who the fuck am I falsely accusing of anything? You just said you sent these sample and all the samples you produce. Thought I had reading comprehension issue?

Are you retarded?

If hes afilliated with K4L, thats not our problem, he’s not K4L. Many guys buy their shit from QSC and resell with floaters. If you arent happy, test by yourself. The guy is legit.

No shit moron. I never said there was an issue with them being affiliated. Sources have sources….most of which are international everyone understands that. I do my own testing with Jano regardless. The original question was asked because the other source he is affiliated/business partners whatever said one thing and he said another. People want clarification on which source is selling shit without testing not beating around the bush, half ass answers because someone doesn’t wanna piss of a customer/supplier. Hard to read from your mom’s basement but you’ll get it sorted out I’m sure.
No shit moron. I never said there was an issue with them being affiliated. Sources have sources….most of which are international everyone understands that. I do my own testing with Jano regardless. The original question was asked because the other source he is affiliated/business partners whatever said one thing and he said another. People want clarification on which source is selling shit without testing not beating around the bush, half ass answers because someone doesn’t wanna piss of a customer/supplier. Hard to read from your mom’s basement but you’ll get it sorted out I’m sure.
The screenshot you posted, they say "It would be cutting corners if we waited to have product in hand before doing initial testing" doesn't this imply these tests are done by lobster himself?
Attention READ WELL DUMBASS…..which one of yall is actually doing the test here since it’s obviously not each of you? You did the same shit with the Tirz results. One of you is selling shit they aren’t personally testing…your customers wanna know if it’s you or K4L. Simple fucking question. I think everyone is clear at this point that you have no problem paying the fees to add your name to someone else’s testing, but thanks for the offer fucking moron

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Who fucking cares? Good lord, it’s VERY obvious K4L buys from Lobster and we have half-retarded conspiracy theorists like you running around screaming afoul for zero reason. Stop being dumb.