@Villain I absolutely agree with you on that no doubt. But here's my beef with all this:
First, everyone's attempt to run big bear out of meso has been a complete and utter failure. He's still here. Making money off people. So why keep applying the SAME FUCKING STRATEGY to a deteriorating situation? From what I've seen people keep buying and he keeps making money. So what changed? How is what you're doing now any different from what you did before?If y'all want this guy out of here then why not change your tactics a bit.
Second, if he is truly gemstone then how do we know that? And why is a failed scam source not discouraged from returning? So what you guys did the first time obviously didn't work. And I understand some of us probably contributed to that and that didn't help but we are just providing our input wherever we can because hey we're new and a still a little iffy on what is expected of us. Should we post a review? Should we not?
Third, I can't speak for anyone here, but when I get to a new place, and that's what I think of Meso. An actual place or like you guys refer to as a "community". I like to read and lurk around and test the waters first and see what the environment is like. Just plain common sense. Don't wanna speak out of turn and just let the vets provide their expert advice. Same principle as "listening to our elders".
Last but not least,
@BigBaldBeardGuy. I've seen worst source intros on here. And you have not lit them up the same as big bear. I'm not sticking up for a source but fuck if I'll sit here and slandered and get accused of something I'm not. Also how is accusing people of being alt accounts helping anything? Do you honestly think that anything you've said has discouraged him from stopping his business? If you think any of that helps. Then you, my friend, are a fucking idiot.
Now granted I probably did not contribute anything either but I had a need. I saw an opportunity to make me better at what I do and improve my quality of life and I took it. Also I know that Meso is not a source board and SOME members are fighting hard to keep this great community and I respect that. I understand I'm the FNG, but I'm also gonna stand up for myself. For anyone that thinks I'm an alt account. Go fuck yourself. I'm gonna keep buying. Reading. And make some friends on this forum.