Big dummy needing a starting place


New Member
Hey all,
I'm dumb. I need some help starting.
Late 40s. I've always been hypogonadal and it never really bothered me too much, but about 1.5 years ago I went to my doctor for another T test. Pretty reliably in the 100-110 ng/dl range. He sent me to a urologist who started me on TRT at 100mg test C a week, which put me around 750 total T, and then titrated me to 160 mg week that I'm doing E3.5D, which puts me around 1450 total with 31.5 pg/ml free test. My health markers all seem good- lipids are fantastic, hemoglobin and hemotracrit are really good, etc. He has me marked down at 200 mg a week, but since I'm getting single use 200mg pharmacy viles, I'm still doing 160 for now and stockpiling.
The only real health concerns are slightly high E2 at 45.6. No gyno or other complications, but I did see a pretty strong irritatibility increase. He gave me arimidex 1mg tabs, which I tried .25 on my shot days and I felt fantastic on, but it killed my dick, so moved to .1125 which is a pain in the ass to cut, but seems to be working well. I also noticed some very slight blood pressure increase, so I have an annual with my PCP next week and I'll get him to give me something like 40mg of Telmisartan.
I'm 5'10, mid 170s. My nutrition is on point, sleep isn't amazing but nothing to be done about that, training is solid, and coming up on the end of a cut and looking want to add some gear or something else. This is where I need some help. I feel like I've been reading and learning for the past few months, but I'm at the point where I'm confusing myself and always have a bit of trouble starting things.

It seems like the commonly recommneded options would be
1. Go up to 400-500 mg of T and run that for x weeks
2. Stay at 160/200 and add 150(?) primo and 100(?) NPP which could also help with some slight flexor tendon strain that I've got
3. Something else...

This is where I need some advice.
From what I've gathered, I would go to some UGL from the underground page here or from something on another forum, navigate the bitcoin thing and grap enough primo/nadralone/test for the cycle and then see how things work, do bloods again after a month or so, and profit from the gainz?
Primo seems like it would be a nice fit and possibly prevent the need for arimidex?

And then try to figure out pinning schedule based on what I'm taking?
If I've got this all around, would greatly appreciate someone reaching out to me and tell me how dumb I am or some reliable resources that say "do this". Right now I'm in a bit of paralysis by analysis mode as I'm having trouble figuring out all the info I've consumed and how to incorporate it.

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dont waste your time with that low dose stuff, just stick to testosterone

you want your e2 like 20-30 in my opinion
if you want more test then take more test and wing your arimidex dosage with labs
do like 350-500 test and dial in your e2 stay on that for months and keep bp in check
pin 3x a week