Birth Control Conspiracy


New Member
Not sure this is a conspiracy or common knowledge.

Why are women on the pill attracted to more feminine men? I see these 9/10s going off with these sissy boys and I beg to ask the question.

I asked a girl at the club last night what her type was and she said big men scare her due to her not having control in the relationship. Makes sense I guess. Never knew women were scared of men but it turns out a lot of women are like this.

I’m bigger than the average man now and I noticed that since I started gear, 80% of the women I attract aren’t on the pill. Also a huge spike in the number of gay men calling me daddy in clubs but I take that as more of a compliment. Anyone else notice this?

Tempted to dropping the juice and going back to being a skinny ass mofo but being jacked as shit is just too good.
Fitness to a certain level will help with women… beyond that, you lose your targeted demographic and start skewing toward men appreciating it more lol
It's not a conspiracy, it's biology.

When women are fertile they're seeking, unconsciously of course, the most suitable genes for the environment with the highest chance of survival.

Aggressive Alpha male types.

Once they're pregnant, the progesterone that floods their system induces a shift to preferring a gentle (won't hurt her or the baby), stable (isn't as attractive therefore less likely to be pursued by other women), provider.

Birth control pills work by hormonally tricking their bodies into thinking they're pregnant, so they have a preference for the later.

At the end of the day, "free will" is mostly subservient to what our genes want.
It's not a conspiracy, it's biology.

When women are fertile they're seeking, unconsciously of course, the most suitable genes for the environment with the highest chance of survival.

Aggressive Alpha male types.

Once they're pregnant, the progesterone that floods their system induces a shift to preferring a gentle (won't hurt her or the baby), stable (isn't as attractive therefore less likely to be pursued by other women), provider.

Birth control pills work by hormonally tricking their bodies into thinking they're pregnant, so they have a preference for the later.

At the end of the day, "free will" is mostly subservient to what our genes want.
So is this why I subconsciously want to sleep with sluts and women with high body count. I’m only joking but F me the pill is crazy. What percentage of women are on the pill?
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So is this why I subconsciously want to sleep with sluts and women with high body count. I’m only joking but F me the pill is crazy. What percentage of women are on the pill?

Depends on the age group but about 65% on average.

There was a TikTok "Quit the pill" fad a year or so ago, followed shortly by a ton of vids about "I got up one day after quitting the pill, my boyfriend smelled completely different, and I broke up with him."

No joke. None of them bothered to look into why, just acted like that was the most normal thing in the world.
It's a very real thing. The last 2 women I hooked up with both recently got off birth control and told me their taste in men went from wimpy nice guys to athletic daddy types.
It's a very real thing. The last 2 women I hooked up with both recently got off birth control and told me their taste in men went from wimpy nice guys to athletic daddy types.
Does this also explain the cheating epidemic that’s happening. Well I’m male and I do it so.
It's a very real thing. The last 2 women I hooked up with both recently got off birth control and told me their taste in men went from wimpy nice guys to athletic daddy types.
It’s weird.

Depends on the age group but about 65% on average.

There was a TikTok "Quit the pill" fad a year or so ago, followed shortly by a ton of vids about "I got up one day after quitting the pill, my boyfriend smelled completely different, and I broke up with him."

No joke. None of them bothered to look into why, just acted like that was the most normal thing in the world.
That’s explains why women are crazy over the likes of Harry Styles, Justin Bieber etc. Regardless women choose height over jackedness anyday of the week. Even a tall guy weighing 60kg would be better suited than an average height 95kg unit. Women are retarded, point proven.
It’s weird.

That’s explains why women are crazy over the likes of Harry Styles, Justin Bieber etc. Regardless women choose height over jackedness anyday of the week. Even a tall guy weighing 60kg would be better suited than an average height 95kg unit. Women are retarded, point proven.

China banned BTS because they don't want effeminate males with painted fingernails influencing their young men.
Not sure this is a conspiracy or common knowledge.

Why are women on the pill attracted to more feminine men? I see these 9/10s going off with these sissy boys and I beg to ask the question.

I asked a girl at the club last night what her type was and she said big men scare her due to her not having control in the relationship. Makes sense I guess. Never knew women were scared of men but it turns out a lot of women are like this.

I’m bigger than the average man now and I noticed that since I started gear, 80% of the women I attract aren’t on the pill. Also a huge spike in the number of gay men calling me daddy in clubs but I take that as more of a compliment. Anyone else notice this?

Tempted to dropping the juice and going back to being a skinny ass mofo but being jacked as shit is just too good.
Women are insecure as fuck. No matter how much they deny it. Most will prefer to be the better looking one in the relationship, or to wear the pants. Or have some sense of control of the relationship

When you reach a certain level physique wise, you get a lot of women looking at you in public and hitting on you. This will drive your girlfriend/wife nuts!!! She may deny it but another woman looking your man up and down manifests primal jealousy and they feel scared and insecure knowing you could leave them for something better at the drop of a hat.

That's why women usually prefer dating a guy under their league. So they feel secure and in control.

Women need control much more then men do.