Blackbird Pharma - Injectable and Oral steroids, PCT (EU domestic & International shipping)

Yes, the wood surfaces...
Did you get that instead of stainless steel because quicker and cheaper?
False economy, though, for your purposes.

What can you tell us about your sterilisation methods, since I read various members pointing out they are inadequate?
Have you taken any measures to rectify?

Also, with the regards to how you make your orals, I hope someone here with knowledge will be able to give some feedback to us all.

Thank you for the pictures, though.

Not everyone provides them.
Looks ok set up, but you don't have a full body suit on in the lab, very hairy arms as well..
Just doesn't look clean at all, junk on the floors, debris, wood (how you santize wood properly?)
Hope you change that going forwards.
Yeah, now we just took our main equipment, placed it on a clean tabletop and let it run. The liquids were just avocado carrier oil and water in the beaker. When we cook, we tidy the room up and dust the floors with a vacuum cleaner.
And about surfaces, we wipe them with a household surface cleaner and a 70% alcohol spray afterwards.
The flow cabinet is a tricky one, yes, since the wooden surface is porous. We turn it on, then dust it with a brush, and then soak the work surfaces with a 70% alcohol spray. And as an extra percaution we put our tools, rubber stoppers, etc in clean and disinfected trays, so they avoid contact with the wooden surface.

But about the bodysuits, I doubt I'm gonna work in that thing for a whole day, the respirators and gloves are enough in my opinion.
Yeah, now we just took our main equipment, placed it on a clean tabletop and let it run. The liquids were just avocado carrier oil and water in the beaker. When we cook, we tidy the room up and dust the floors with a vacuum cleaner.
And about surfaces, we wipe them with a household surface cleaner and a 70% alcohol spray afterwards.
The flow cabinet is a tricky one, yes, since the wooden surface is porous. We turn it on, then dust it with a brush, and then soak the work surfaces with a 70% alcohol spray. And as an extra percaution we put our tools, rubber stoppers, etc in clean and disinfected trays, so they avoid contact with the wooden surface.

But about the bodysuits, I doubt I'm gonna work in that thing for a whole day, the respirators and gloves are enough in my opinion.
Good feed back, fortunately I certainly won't be buying from you.

The fact that you throw caution to the wind like you do is so blatantly obvious rather incredible to say the least.

If your mind set is "I'm not going to work in that thing all day" (lab coat/hazmat suit) then what the hell else are you giving no fucks about..

After you kill someone maybe you think twice or three times more about your unhygienic lab.

I hope people read this thread fully and understand the magnitude of your actions, then they look elsewhere.

Your in the people business dude, act like it because dead customers can't buy.

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Yes, the wood surfaces...
Did you get that instead of stainless steel because quicker and cheaper?
False economy, though, for your purposes.

What can you tell us about your sterilisation methods, since I read various members pointing out they are inadequate?
Have you taken any measures to rectify?

Also, with the regards to how you make your orals, I hope someone here with knowledge will be able to give some feedback to us all.

Thank you for the pictures, though.

Not everyone provides them.
We built it from wood, since wood was used in all the guides on how to make it. We looked up guides from mushroom growers, where sterility is a huge concern, so I guess it should be an adequate material. Also we got treated wood, so it's not gonna develop rot or anything, especially in a home environment. In the future we might dissasemble it and give it a laquer coating for ease of cleaning, since raw wood is a bit of a pain to clean.
On our future batches we will definetly do sterilisation of the bottles and stoppers in the autoclave. We will probalby document and post when we will produce our next batches.
And here are the random pictures I had on my phone.
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And yes, we currently do not operate a lab, we have set up a small scale home setup.
And the laminar flow cabinet is not a comercial unit. We built it ourselves. It is basically a 1 cubic meter box with a H14 hepa filter and a high static pressure industrial fan in the back side powering the airflow. All the seams sealed up with antibacterial silicone sealant.
This is a very dirty environment, on one hand it's good you showed pictures I can give you that.
On the other hand SMARTAN UP and get real with your organization and cleanliness before making anymore product. I would also discount what you have on hand as everyone now it's likely contaminated.
Remember man your dealing with people's lives...
Your wood situation could easily be fixed with some stainless steel installing.
Review your sterilisation procedures.
Review your work space which should obviously include the room in which you are working.

People here have given you good advice. And you have not shied away from criticism.
You could probably still find your feet here if you put some more effort into your operation.