Eman, I started on the Blacks in Nov and switched the Greys. Honestly now with 4 months done on HGH, I really do not know what it is or isnt doing aside from numb hands. I'm on cycle too so it is apparent what the tren etc is doing. But I really do not not know if HGH does anything for me. What about you?
I noticed the most results on cycle with hGH, definitely a synergy there. I imagine your tren results are slightly enhanced by the tren too, it has an effect on IGF production.
Off cycle, the results are rather subtle. Muscle retention, enhanced fat loss in a cut, better recovery... Even after my PCT was over I noticed I was still full and even gaining more, it's stalled out a bit since.
Keep in mind, it really takes a while before you see results and it depends on what your expectations and goals are...