Blast and cruise protocol, would like some feedback

Hey guys, I have been lurking around on here for a long time but haven’t posted yet, but this is something I’d like to get some feedback on before I pull the trigger to make sure it’s all how it should be.

Stats: I’m 5’10, 23, and 175lb at around 13% bf, I’ve taken 1 cycle before and it left me pretty badly suppressed after PCT, that was a year and a half ago

It seems b&c is the more effective way to take gear and I am sure I’ll be on TRT for life anyway at this point so I might as well avoid cycling and dealing with the hormone flucuations, here’s the protocol I’ve put together for the next year,

Cruise dose: 100-200mg Test E per week, will find what the lowest I can work with is

Blast (will do 2 12 week blasts this coming year)
500 Test E & 200 NPP

I’ll have Arimidex on hand in case something goes wrong. Only part I’m not sure on is where or if HCG comes into play on a b&c protocol, I’ve heard mixed things about it and wanted to know what y’all thought about all this. Thanks
Did you follow a full pct? HCG, Clomid, Nolvadex? Fired off 4 half lives past your last shot etc…. Did you read the long ass pct section on here and follow it basically or misfire?

Pre cycle bloodwork to confirm starting levels and Post pct bloodwork to conferm reboot?

If your suppressed all year it’s nice to know if it’s your decreased hormone levels or just enjoying/missing the enhanced feel

Honestly, my inclination is that you misfired on the PCT and might need to rerun it and at 23 you just like the enhanced feel and want to BNC. Without bloodwork you don’t even know where your starting from here, you might actually have low T or???
Did you follow a full pct? HCG, Clomid, Nolvadex? Fired off 4 half lives past your last shot etc…. Did you read the long ass pct section on here and follow it basically or misfire?

Pre cycle bloodwork to confirm starting levels and Post pct bloodwork to conferm reboot?

If your suppressed all year it’s nice to know if it’s your decreased hormone levels or just enjoying/missing the enhanced feel

Honestly, my inclination is that you misfired on the PCT and might need to rerun it and at 23 you just like the enhanced feel and want to BNC. Without bloodwork you don’t even know where your starting from here, you might actually have low T or???
Thanks for the response, yes I followed it with the exception of clomid. I had gotten some feedback from people telling me it was fine to just take Nolva instead but everything else was the same.

As far as taking another PCT, I assume that would be under the assumption that I wait to run any more gear for the near future. I still am wanting to go here in the next month or so, this is the best timing I’ll have in my life to take gear and make the most of it. I plan on running maybe 5-10 years then just staying on TRT when I switch over to having kids or doing whatever else comes my way
youre 23.

there is absolutely no reason to believe this.

what does your bloodwork look like
I meant that under the assumption that I followed through with the protocol I listed for 5-10 years. My bad I see how that could be misconstrued. As far as bloods I am waiting to get my results back, should have them in the next few days