blast and cruise then back to natty?


Well-known Member
I'm 38 yrs old, about two cycles (a bunch of two on, four off recently plus a traditional cycle in my mid twenties). My test was at the low range of normal last time I tested about six months ago and was at 600 for days after stopping clomid. I am prescribed a trt dose of 150mg test cup a week but have just been saving it up to use for a cycle.

My question is about the consequences of blasting and cruising? I feel like shiz coming off test and feel much better on it but I don't want to be reliant on it for life should the political climate change and make it much tougher to get. So my question is can you blast and cruise for an extended period of time and then recover back to low end of norm natty levels eventually if need be?
Good question.I don't have the answer but maybe someone else does.would like to know my self as ive heard of some doing 120 day cycles up until a show...what if one wanted to discontinue after the goal of the show?Alot I think would have to do with the individual such as age,health,lifestyle habits and genetics honestly.
I guess the question is, if you blast and cruise for an extended period of time (say five years) and then you were to be forced to come off cold turkey what would happen to you? Would you feel like shiz for the rest of your life and get fat and be tired all the time? Or would your body recover after a period of time?
i'm in my late twenties so a direct comparison isn't fair but I just finished a one year blast and cruise with some tren and higher doses thrown in there and have recovered very well imo. i did an extended nolva/clomid pct and used hcg throughout the blast and cruise. 4 weeks post pct and i feel energetic, motivated, morning wood, libido pretty good, making gains in the gym, etc. I will get bloodwork shortly to confirm but I believe running hcg throughout the b&c and running a 6 week pharmaceutical pct is very effective for recovering after being 'on' for long periods of time.
i'm in my late twenties so a direct comparison isn't fair but I just finished a one year blast and cruise with some tren and higher doses thrown in there and have recovered very well imo. i did an extended nolva/clomid pct and used hcg throughout the blast and cruise. 4 weeks post pct and i feel energetic, motivated, morning wood, libido pretty good, making gains in the gym, etc. I will get bloodwork shortly to confirm but I believe running hcg throughout the b&c and running a 6 week pharmaceutical pct is very effective for recovering after being 'on' for long periods of time.
Great info, thanks for the post!