Blood results 6 months after end of PCT - Test low/normal Estro zero - advice needed


New Member
I need some advice about what to do.

I am 43yo, eat healty, lean, no smoking/very few alcohol/drugs, gym 3 times per week.

I did in the past some cycles, always mild (only test and sometimes some anavar or tbol) and always recovered.
Last Summer i did a TestE cycle (500mg per week per 12 weeks, 250IU HCG 2 x week, aromasin 12,5 E3D). Cycle went well with E2 always in good range. PCT was 6 weeks with Clomid(100/50/50/50/25/25+Nolva (40/20/20/20/20) started 2 weeks after last TestE injection. PCT went well, didn't feel any crash even in first weeks of PCT. PCT ended and 8 weeks after i did blood work but i was still feeling good. That test showed i recovered even if my Test was slightly lower than baseline.

My baseline (before any cycle and 7 year ago) is around 650 ng/dl (250-860). Blood work 8 weeks after PCT came at 510 ng/dl. I thought it was just my body recovering or maybe just normal variations during the year and didn't worry too much giving it time.

Then i started to experience insomnia (waking up in the night), low libido, difficulty sometimes to hold erection, general fatigue. My workouts defintely became less intense and strengh decreased a bit. This was in January 2017. From this point, i did other blood works monthly as my symptoms got more pronounced and my Test
went from 515 ->490 -> 470 -> 450 -> 360 -> 430. All other values (SHBG at 40, PRL, LH, FSH are in perfect range and as were in baseline). Thyroid is good.
The only other hormone which is out of whack is E2...which is in the last 3 test/months basically zero.

I am confused about what to do. Why my test after 8 weeks from end of PCT was 510 and then starting to get lower and lower ? why estro is zero ? is it related to cycle or maybe something else?