Blood results 7 weeks on Tren A and Test P


New Member
Hi all,

These are the results 7 weeks on 100mg Tren A 100mg Test P EOD(from pharmacom) with 10mg Cardarine ed - also taking exemestane12.5mg EOD and caber .25mg twice a week... I am now taking exemestane every day and also added masteron and stromba(oral) for the last 4 weeks of the cycle will run another blood test at the end of the cycle.

I am 40 and added like 7kg while on the cycle +4cm on the arms (39 to 43) it was supposed to be cutting as I am fat :D but I've had the gear anyway already expired so had to use it anyway (I guess) trying to eat as clean as possible but I still don't see my weight going down or any sort of shredding.

Don't think I should be adding anything now but thinking if I should run a mounjaro or ozempic after and if it's going to affect the gains I've had(a lot).
Run sensitive test for e2. No idea why people still have no idea about false e2 reading when running tren
If you don’t have access to it, then test your e2 on only test then add tren to the mix
You didn’t have to use it. It can be used upwards of 10 years after an “expiration date.” If you have a lot of fat you would have better served yourself getting lean first.


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