Blood test direction

new to the game

New Member
This whole blood test before and midway and after cycle stuff. I get it, I think, its about being safe and knowing where you are health wise right? And also to know how much your gear is raising your levels, correct?

Where does one get these tests? Do you ask your doctor for them? seems.. kind of like a weird topic to broach with your doc.. or maybe thats me. If not direct to the Doc then where do you do these? I found one site online, but Holy F*** it was expensive.

This whole blood test before and midway and after cycle stuff. I get it, I think, its about being safe and knowing where you are health wise right? And also to know how much your gear is raising your levels, correct?

Where does one get these tests? Do you ask your doctor for them? seems.. kind of like a weird topic to broach with your doc.. or maybe thats me. If not direct to the Doc then where do you do these? I found one site online, but Holy F*** it was expensive.

Look for the steroid lab testing section. There's a sticky at the top of the page that takes you to all tests you need to take and where. It's very useful
The Basics of Ordering Bloodwork

It's pretty simple search on google for a discount code I was able to get 12% off my test and it came out to $56 out the door. I went to a labcorp they found my papers didn't even ask to see ID took me back got 2 vials of blood then said have a good day. No co pay or anything.
Hell ya that's how easy mine was too.
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