@TS561 well ive done 2 cycles in the past... one was in 2005 (24 years old) Dbol Test which went smooth only bits of insomnia... life was great after that as well sexually and everything else...then and i did another in 2007(26 years old) both without any form of pct as i wasnt familiar with aas before and the source i trusted who was the gym owner and a bodybuilder himself was usually the one who prepares and injects the cycle to most competing bodybuilders... i was tempted to go on cycle due to my stupid young age at the time... both were dbol test cycles that ran for 10 weeks... again that cycle went smooth as well... but then he wanted me to go on a cutting cycle (couple of months later) and i dont exactly remember what he gave me all i remember was reading (winstrol and Primo were involved) thats when i endured horrible sides like insomnia sweats acid reflux was bad bloating... i couldnt finish a gym session after cause heart was racing and breathing was hard... so i decided to come off them (2 weeks into that cycle) completely took a year for the sides to subside especially the belching and acid reflux... ever since i been off them.. and then got married in 2008 exactly 1 year after my last AAS use and i kid you not... my wife got pregnant 2 weeks after intercourse.. we didnt do any before as she was abroad... and then again in 2014 after shes been away for 2 years due to separation we have sex again a month later shes pregnant with our second child
now about the endocrinoligist... i took the results to him... and he said they're lower than normal... didn't seem very concerned... he said not to take any form of aas atm because it could drop way lower after cycle... he said to take nolva and clomid together to restore my test levels which im kinda puzzled about since ive been off for 9 years