Blood test results

hey guys

Dont know what happened to my old thread anyhoo...

These are my total testosterone levels attached they seem lower than normal which im guessing means from my last cycle 9 years ago i didnt do pct as i was ignorant

Anyhow what should i do now

Just take Nolva and Clomid together For 2 weeks to restore them back?

Im 34 5'10 85kg

Open to suggestions



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You do NOT use arimidex for pct.
i have used it . this method gives faster recovery.... hcg will stimulate leydig cells of testes and arimidex wil help with controlling estrogen as 2500iu will cause rapid rise in test and estrogen.... and after discontinuing -ve feedback from excess estrogen will no be there it will result in faster recovery
Don't listen to these people.

There is only one benefit of HCG in your case, testing to see if you are primary or secondary. If you run HCG at 2,000 ius EOD x 10 shots and get your test levels checked, they should be at the top end of the range. If they are still low, this means you are primary and TRT is your only option.

If the test levels come back good, you are secondary. Given you have been clean for 9 years, I would try running clomid at 25mg ED or EOD depending on your reaction for 6 months. Get your levels tested midway, after 6 months, and then 6-8 weeks after your last pin.
Thanks ery

Do you mean after 6 to 8 weeks from my last pin of hcg to get blood work?
go to a good endocrinologist and confirm what im saying but this is how i recover everytime .... and clomid is just shit.... yes you can get blood levels after hcg to see if your testes are hcg but if you were normal before i think you will recover
Most people do recover. The bigger long term risks are psychological and cardiovascular health. Clomid is a good drug though. If you get sides, low doses do work well. it should be a mainstay for most people.
i just have a question... the results i have indicate i have low test... does this affect me having kids in any way like would my chances be completely shut or is it possible i still can?

because ive had 2 kids since my last cycle so im just wondering how this low test affects me
oh and i get hard erections all the time... great libido... my sack is big looks normal... and im huge size wise naturally... when ive read people with low test have problems to gain muscle testicular atrophy and almost no libido
@ScumOfTheEarth, just thinking out loud here. But, do you believe you have had only about 3ng for the whole 9 years since your cycle? Have you had any other blood work done between now and then? You seem like you are feeling good and don't show any signs. Also, someone in there late 20's can recover without PCT, given enough time of course. So, I guess what I'm saying is couldn't this be recent and even unrelated to your cycle 9 years ago. I am no expert, but just to be on the safe side. Maybe you should talk to one. I hope that sounds they I want it to. Nothing but best wishes for you man.
@TS561 well ive done 2 cycles in the past... one was in 2005 (24 years old) Dbol Test which went smooth only bits of insomnia... life was great after that as well sexually and everything else...then and i did another in 2007(26 years old) both without any form of pct as i wasnt familiar with aas before and the source i trusted who was the gym owner and a bodybuilder himself was usually the one who prepares and injects the cycle to most competing bodybuilders... i was tempted to go on cycle due to my stupid young age at the time... both were dbol test cycles that ran for 10 weeks... again that cycle went smooth as well... but then he wanted me to go on a cutting cycle (couple of months later) and i dont exactly remember what he gave me all i remember was reading (winstrol and Primo were involved) thats when i endured horrible sides like insomnia sweats acid reflux was bad bloating... i couldnt finish a gym session after cause heart was racing and breathing was hard... so i decided to come off them (2 weeks into that cycle) completely took a year for the sides to subside especially the belching and acid reflux... ever since i been off them.. and then got married in 2008 exactly 1 year after my last AAS use and i kid you not... my wife got pregnant 2 weeks after intercourse.. we didnt do any before as she was abroad... and then again in 2014 after shes been away for 2 years due to separation we have sex again a month later shes pregnant with our second child

now about the endocrinoligist... i took the results to him... and he said they're lower than normal... didn't seem very concerned... he said not to take any form of aas atm because it could drop way lower after cycle... he said to take nolva and clomid together to restore my test levels which im kinda puzzled about since ive been off for 9 years
@TS561 well ive done 2 cycles in the past... one was in 2005 (24 years old) Dbol Test which went smooth only bits of insomnia... life was great after that as well sexually and everything else...then and i did another in 2007(26 years old) both without any form of pct as i wasnt familiar with aas before and the source i trusted who was the gym owner and a bodybuilder himself was usually the one who prepares and injects the cycle to most competing bodybuilders... i was tempted to go on cycle due to my stupid young age at the time... both were dbol test cycles that ran for 10 weeks... again that cycle went smooth as well... but then he wanted me to go on a cutting cycle (couple of months later) and i dont exactly remember what he gave me all i remember was reading (winstrol and Primo were involved) thats when i endured horrible sides like insomnia sweats acid reflux was bad bloating... i couldnt finish a gym session after cause heart was racing and breathing was hard... so i decided to come off them (2 weeks into that cycle) completely took a year for the sides to subside especially the belching and acid reflux... ever since i been off them.. and then got married in 2008 exactly 1 year after my last AAS use and i kid you not... my wife got pregnant 2 weeks after intercourse.. we didnt do any before as she was abroad... and then again in 2014 after shes been away for 2 years due to separation we have sex again a month later shes pregnant with our second child

now about the endocrinoligist... i took the results to him... and he said they're lower than normal... didn't seem very concerned... he said not to take any form of aas atm because it could drop way lower after cycle... he said to take nolva and clomid together to restore my test levels which im kinda puzzled about since ive been off for 9 years

I am sorry that you dealt with someone who didn't seem overly concerned with possible future outcomes. So you have expert advice and a prescribed therapy. If I were in this situation, I would complete the therapy exactly as prescribed. There will no doubt be follow up testing. So, after my last prescribed blood work. I would wait 6 months and have my own done. The even another 6-8 months after that. There is no harm in being vigilant. What will it hurt to know for yourself. Nothing but positive thought brother. Keep us updated if you can.
I agree, I would take the clomid and nolva as prescribed. It doesn't matter that you have been off cycle so long as far as taking these substances. They should still help your body create more natural test. I've also heard of hcg being used alone for this reason but do not have a lot of info on that. I have never heard of using an Ai.
So i go to another dr and he says if i did the testosterone bloods without food in the morning it would show below average and that it doesnt always show accurate results and that I should do it again after breakfast... and hes like dont be too concerned about it since i explained my case that i was fully functional had 2 kids since... morning wood all there bla... bla

So now im a little confused on wether I should start my cycle in a month time as planned or if it gonna effect my post cycle test results where they wont jump back to normal

can i still so the nolva clomid hcg treatment to be on the Safe side?
I'm confused, in your original post you claimed your testosterone was low, but you didn't describe any symptoms of low testosterone. A couple posts later you said,
oh and i get hard erections all the time... great libido... my sack is big looks normal... and im huge size wise naturally... when ive read people with low test have problems to gain muscle testicular atrophy and almost no libido

So, my question is, are you treating a number or symptoms? If it's just a number, I wouldn't waste my time trying to fix something that's not broken IMO. Not everyone has high test levels naturally and treating numbers will get you nowhere fast.
I'm confused, in your original post you claimed your testosterone was low, but you didn't describe any symptoms of low testosterone. A couple posts later you said,

So, my question is, are you treating a number or symptoms? If it's just a number, I wouldn't waste my time trying to fix something that's not broken IMO. Not everyone has high test levels naturally and treating numbers will get you nowhere fast.
I didnt claim to have low test nor symptoms... its how it showed in the blood results i did a few weeks ago

I did blood test for pre cycle and the attachment on top is the result

I never had symptoms either of low test just the regular blood work i did for a pre cycle indicated low test