Blood Work Back, High Lh And High E2. Recommendations?


New Member
So I did a 600mg/week of test e and 350mg/week of tren e for about 14 weeks (I believe my tren was under dosed). I took Arimidex of .5mg EOD until 2 weeks after my last shot.

1 week after my last shot I started 50mg ED Clomid for 3 weeks and 20mg Nolva ED for 4 weeks. Then I took 10mg Nolva ED. I stopped taking Nolva 3 days before the blood work.

(I was using UGL Nolva, Clomid, and Arimidex)

I now have a lot of Pharma grade Nolva, Clomid, and Armidex. I don't plan on starting my next cycle for 8 more weeks.

Should I take some Arimidex to lower E2 levels?

And, would you guys take Clomid or Nolva while between cycles?

Is there anything I should be worried about my blood work?

I think your bloods are pretty typical of someone taking serms.
do some more bloodwork in a couple months and see where you are at.
Time on + PCT = time off...... 8 weeks is not much time between cycles.

If you want to take an AI during PCT, and between cycles most people would go with aromasin at a low dose.
I think you started pct just a little too early. Either the Test E was under-dosed enough that it was able to clear out fairly quickly, or your body metabolized it more rapidly than most. Generally 10-14 days after the last injection is when most people start pct. The good news is that your body responded well to it regardless, since it looks like you didn't double up on the nolva/clomid for the first two weeks as per standard protocol.

If you're not seeing E2 sides, you don't need any more adex. Your levels are high but not sky-high and they'll likely subside over then next week or two.

No need for the nolva/clomid anymore since your test levels are ok and your LH levels are more than ok.

If you would be so kind, which UGL is it that has these seemingly gtg SERMs?
I think you started pct just a little too early. Either the Test E was under-dosed enough that it was able to clear out fairly quickly, or your body metabolized it more rapidly than most. Generally 10-14 days after the last injection is when most people start pct. The good news is that your body responded well to it regardless, since it looks like you didn't double up on the nolva/clomid for the first two weeks as per standard protocol.

If you're not seeing E2 sides, you don't need any more adex. Your levels are high but not sky-high and they'll likely subside over then next week or two.

No need for the nolva/clomid anymore since your test levels are ok and your LH levels are more than ok.

If you would be so kind, which UGL is it that has these seemingly gtg SERMs?
I to would like to know which ugl the SERMs came from.
Your Test/gear is bunk . Your Testosterone is low and your LH should be completely shutdown and its not......who's bunk gear do you have ?
If you do bloods while clomid and Nola still present in your blood, your lh, fsh levels will be high. I don't think you waited long enough after taking the last doses of Nola and clomid.
Exactly what mass said. You need to give time for the meds to work and be out of your system to truly know if your body is back to pre cycle numbers. And yes you started pct too soon, unless the gear was bunk.