bloodwork and Dragon's Blood / Super Shredder


New Member
Is there reason to believe that any of the components of Stan's ( @Stanfordpharma1 ) Dragon's Blood or Amino Asylum's Super Shredder would interfere with any bloodwork assays? Not just CMP/CBC/lipids/test/estrodiol/hsCRP, but anything of interest including things like cortisol, glucose, GGT, etc.

Dragon's Blood (per ml):
Methionine 25mg
Inositol 50mg
Choline chloride 50mg
B12 methylcobalamin 500mcg

Super Shredder:
L-Carnitine 400 mg/ml
MIC (Methionine/Inositol/Choline) blend 100 mg/ml
ATP 50 mg/ml
Albuterol 2 mg/ml
B12 1 mg/ml

If any of these components are thought to affect assays, how far in advance should one abstain from using either of the above?

Stan also has an NAD+ version without the albuterol, so perhaps I should include that here.

Any pointers to references/reading material would also be appreciated.

I find that surprising. How would any of these components be expected to improve the accuracy/precision of an assay? Thanks.
You should look up the individual chemicals and the effects on the body. Find one that would cause damage and get back to me.

The only one that pops out to me is albuterol and he uses a low dose
Find one that would cause damage and get back to me

Why would I care about that? An exogenous substance doesn't have to 'cause damage' to the body to affect an assay.

Or are you really going to claim that, for example, the reason that biotin supplementation affects certain assays like T3, T4 and TSH, is because it 'causes damage' in the body? And that's the reason that

"The ATA has recommended that patients stop taking biotin for at least 2 days before thyroid testing to avoid the risk of having a misleading test."

I'm trying to be open minded on this, but I just don't see the logic of how these substances would improve the accuracy or precision of an assay.
I use both Super Shredder and Stan’s Dragons Blood mainly for pre workout

I understand your question and concern but you are asking about bloodwork markers that we use to monitor the effects of AAS that are generally cleaved to an ester.
The compounds you are asking about are basically injectable vitamins with the addition of a very low dose of Albuterol (mcg) in a water suspension.
Apples to oranges
Maybe don’t inject Dragons Blood right before you walk into the lab to get your blood drawn. Or don’t inject Super Shredder right before taking your blood pressure and heart rate.