[Bloodwork] **Female** Testosterone Prop 5mg ED (pre-cycle/4th week/5th week)

I did some quick digging since I was curious on differences in pharmacokinetics in women. 1 week after a 25mg weekly IM TestE dose, TT was ~230 ng/dL. Extrapolating backwards the peak would be close to double that. Considering the dfferences in the esters your number doesn't seem that far off.
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Bc PMP are often deficient in E-2 that's what their supplementation consists of. For those w "low TT" and libido low dose TT may also be used.

As far as this gals TT level in the 600ng/dl range using roughly 50 mg of TT a week why are you gents so shocked!

Her dose is NOW on level with the natural weekly secretion for males and what's the range of TT for normal adult males....

If you do 50 mg of enanthate it would be 500 ng/ml, 48 hrs later. but not threw the whole week. It would disapate, 7 days later being lower. Hence once week injections.
But for prop it's 5 mg per injection, so about 50 mg per week. But for bloods isn't the prop taken 12 hrs post injection. So 12 hrs post injections, 5 mg, would make it 50 ng/ml? Then in 1-2 days the prop would leave the system that's why one would do ed injections.
Finally, in your opinion, are those values at a level to be of serious concern and warrant discontinuation?

If your referring to those MINOR increases in LFS that may occur after ONE ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE, heck no!

I'm not the least bit concerned.
As a rule any drug that results in an TRIPPLING in LFTS must be stopped. Otherwise for lesser increased periodic testing is all that is required. For her changes no further testing is neededIMO.
I did some quick digging since I was curious on differences in pharmacokinetics in women. 1 week after a 25mg weekly IM TestE dose, TT was ~230 ng/dL. Extrapolating backwards the peak would be close to double that. Considering the dfferences in the esters your number doesn't seem that far off.

If your referring to those MINOR increases in LFS that may occur after ONE ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE, heck no!

I'm not the least bit concerned.
As a rule any drug that results in an TRIPPLING in LFTS must be stopped. Otherwise for lesser increased periodic testing is all that is required. For her changes no further testing is neededIMO.

Thank you both very much for taking the time to give solid good information here -- very much appreciated.
Very interesting thread. Thanks for posting RT.

Do women continue producing natural testosterone while taking exogenous testosterone? Might be a dumb question.

Also, I like Dr. Jim's theory better. My first thought was that it's really a dude or a hermaphrodite.
my girlfriend got bloodwork using pharmacom test c using 20 mg every 5 days and her test level was 247.
my girlfriend got bloodwork using pharmacom test c using 20 mg every 5 days and her test level was 247.

At such low doses individual differences in secretion and metabolism can become significant why else is the NORMAL male TT range vary from bt 400 to 1000 ng/dl !

Moreover your comparing a SINGLE dose of weekly T-c to that of DAILY T-p, sorry but such pharmacokinetics comparisons are like apples are to oranges.
you're absolutely right, i was just giving some feedback on levels. we were shooting to get her above 100 which is normal for a woman. the thing that surprised me is rt's girl wasn't getting any virilazation, which my girl got some (nothing major, and the benefits outweigh that)
Hey @rpbb when you say the pros outweigh the cons what exactly do you mean, I'm asking because my wife is thinking about trying allittle test
I'm curious...I don't think I saw it in the previous posts... she is post menopausal too... does she know her natural levels prior to starting the TP? And why subQ ...what is she trying to achieve?
I ask because some women have naturally high levels to begin with and running 50mg of tp a week is an ok dose for a female especially if she isn't getting any undesirable sides
With her permission, I am posting a very close friend’s bloodwork with the intentions of:
1) give our community more data regarding female usage, and
2) to get her some feedback and information for her (she did not want to join or post herself).
3) get a discussion going so we can all learn more.

5mg ED Test Prop

Her cycle is simply 5mg ED test prop slin pin subQ (the pharmacom P100 from a couple months ago which, according to the results posted on anaboliclabs may be a little under 100mg/mL; therefore, her actual dosage may be slightly under 5mg ED).

She is middle-aged approx mid 40s.
Very recently (this year) hit menopause.
Two previous cycles many months ago:
--one 4 week with andriol caps, and one 6 week Var 5-10mg ED (good results).
ZERO alcohol, OTC or other drugs, and no smoking – completely 100% clean lifestyle (entire life).
Great diet and workout dedication.

Her experience thus far:
She reports drastic increase in sex drive (and related effects such as wetness and sensitivity which have all been cited as positives and desirable effects).
Increased sense of well-being and mood.
ZERO effects upon voice.
ZERO clitoral enlargement.
Only a mild increase in gym performance.
Bodyweight increase of about 6-7 lb in 4 weeks (looks leaner though in my opinion).
Overall, she very much likes the cycle and would like to be “on” all the time if it were possible.

Direct your attention to her TT, E2, hemocrit, and liver values; what confuses us, and what prompted her to get her a third bloodwork in the 5th week, is that her TT value is huge for 5 mg ED (35 mg /week).

She went to another lab one week after those first mid-cycle bloods just to verify the results – and then even more confusion here as her liver values had risen in just one week (nothing was changed or added—nothing at all).

How can her TT be so high on just 5mg ED?
Anyone have any links to reputable female users and bloodwork results to show others' dosage to TT constellations?

And what would make liver value go up so much from 4th week to 5th week when they were great on pre- to 4th week bloods?

Pre-Cycle results (LabCorp):
TT =
7 ng/dL
E2 = <5 ng/dL
Hemocrit = 44.7 (note females’ reference range is lower than males’)
AST = 23
ALT = 25

Week 4 results (LabCorp):
TT =
592 ng/dL (HOW so high?! So we scheduled another testing)
E2 = 25 ng/dL
Hemocrit = 44.3 (unchanged)
AST = 22 (improved?)
ALT = 20 (improved? – I point out because of follow week’s results)

Week 5 results (Quest):
TT =
611 ng/dL (confirmed very high result)
E2 = 29 ng/dL
Hemocrit = 45.4 (High)
AST = 85 (HIGH-- one week later so much higher?)
ALT = 44 (HIGH)

Damn, 5mg's? Is she using an insulin syringe?!
I'm curious...I don't think I saw it in the previous posts... she is post menopausal too... does she know her natural levels prior to starting the TP? And why subQ ...what is she trying to achieve?

Unfortunately, we do not have any pre-menopuase test levels. She had asked her doc to order some a couple years ago and the doc refused saying "testosterone is not relevant to females." At that time she did not know how to order her own orders online.

The SubQ is because most of what either of us have read regarding very small frequent dosages and female usage has been SubQ (including recent threads on MESO).
It is simply much more convenient and easy for her--a personal preference I suppose, to use the small 29g. It is only up to the 5th iu tick mark on a slin pin--very small volume.

Her primary goals is first anti-aging, bone density retention, general health, energy, and overall improvements in vitality and sense of well-being. She really felt a big negaitive hit suddenly when menopause occurred--she went from feeling very string and young to tired and aging (I know that is natural, but it is also natural to get sick and die--we are interested in fighting nature haha).

Her secondary goals are gym related--bigger lifts, leaner bodycomp, and muscularity (master physique look).

So far, and I understand it has only been 5 weeks, she has zero negative complaints; I ma the one that was more concerned because of the bloodwork results--she is happy thus far.

I just want her to be healthy and enjoy many more years of gains :D so I thought to check here, as I respect the MESO community, to make sure things are ok, and we can all learn more.
you're absolutely right, i was just giving some feedback on levels. we were shooting to get her above 100 which is normal for a woman. the thing that surprised me is rt's girl wasn't getting any virilazation, which my girl got some (nothing major, and the benefits outweigh that)

Actually you're probably right as the levels you posted were pretty much in line with RTR had posted.
Unfortunately, we do not have any pre-menopuase test levels. She had asked her doc to order some a couple years ago and the doc refused saying "testosterone is not relevant to females." At that time she did not know how to order her own orders online.

The SubQ is because most of what either of us have read regarding very small frequent dosages and female usage has been SubQ (including recent threads on MESO).
It is simply much more convenient and easy for her--a personal preference I suppose, to use the small 29g. It is only up to the 5th iu tick mark on a slin pin--very small volume.

Her primary goals is first anti-aging, bone density retention, general health, energy, and overall improvements in vitality and sense of well-being. She really felt a big negaitive hit suddenly when menopause occurred--she went from feeling very string and young to tired and aging (I know that is natural, but it is also natural to get sick and die--we are interested in fighting nature haha).

Her secondary goals are gym related--bigger lifts, leaner bodycomp, and muscularity (master physique look).

So far, and I understand it has only been 5 weeks, she has zero negative complaints; I ma the one that was more concerned because of the bloodwork results--she is happy thus far.

I just want her to be healthy and enjoy many more years of gains :D so I thought to check here, as I respect the MESO community, to make sure things are ok, and we can all learn more.
Yes subQ apparently keeps levels even and no spikes which is beneficial to women since we are so sensitive to sides and respond so well on small doses. although I usually thought doing subQ would be better to do every few days versus ed.

Also, masters physique. .. that makes more sense of the dose choice...

Has she tried gh at low doses just for the well being and youthful purposes?
Yes subQ apparently keeps levels even and no spikes which is beneficial to women since we are so sensitive to sides and respond so well on small doses. although I usually thought doing subQ would be better to do every few days versus ed.

Also, masters physique. .. that makes more sense of the dose choice...

Has she tried gh at low doses just for the well being and youthful purposes?

No, she had never run actual GH.

But she does use modGRF(1-26)+GHRP-2 (from Toms -- good stuff) pre-bed to increase her own GH pulse. I think if she did it mornings and bedtime everyday it would equate to about the same as 2iu GH (just based on readings, no way to know for sure though).
No, she had never run actual GH.

But she does use modGRF(1-26)+GHRP-2 (from Toms -- good stuff) pre-bed to increase her own GH pulse. I think if she did it mornings and bedtime everyday it would equate to about the same as 2iu GH (just based on readings, no way to know for sure though).
Ok thanks. That's interesting. I've worked with several physique girls but haven't payed with test myself (not in my goals book, I'm level down in figure and haven't had the need to go that route)... she's got an interesting cycle based on mostly peptides as well as a high dose of test. So this is quite interesting to follow. The girls that I know have done test with other compounds and obviously lower levels and they compete at national level as well so no newbies there.

You say she is physique... what are her appearance goals besides the ones you listed on well being etc?