[Bloodwork] **Female** Testosterone Prop 5mg ED (pre-cycle/4th week/5th week)

Yeah I been lurking here....just been real busy starting up a business...I hope.
Rocco and i been talking about exactly your comments re test and progesterone.
I disagree with test prop use for women in a maintenance dose.
When my wife's levels rollercoaster she experiences severe hot flashes and many more migraine headaches each month.
However 15-20 mg/week test e delivered steadily eliminates hot flashes and reduces the migraines by half. She still gets them weekly or more but the intensity is reduced so she can at least have the lights on.
Progesterone is a different topic...I agree with the cancer protection but I haven't researched the subject enough to comment beyond this.
Rocco the dog however is like a walking female hormone encyclopedia. His wife has a really great Dr that answers all this stuff. Maybe he can add something here.
Glad I found this thread even though I am late to the party again. I have two woman in my life (kinda in my life,outta my life and then back in. People who know the dog I am, know the story) who are both on Test. Number one is post menopausal and started out at 16ng/dL. After getting Test and Estrogen pellets her TT is 325. That is exactly where the doc wants her. She has medical issues and is over weight at the time but now working on it. My 'Baby' is 38 and due to medical reasons had extremely low T but high E. The doc is having a hard time getting the TT up over 150. She is in great shape, a distance runner and just started Power Lifting. Both have libidos through the roof.

I have read that when a female uses Prop that it should be every 4 days so it clears and then spikes. It stated that females do not want a consistent steady level. I don't believe it because my girls have it steady from the pellets, but if it said it on the internet it must be true. You might want to research that more. The other thing is if you raise a females Test levels, especially if they are post menopausal, you must supplement with Progesterone to avoid cancer risk.

I don't know if @Throwback has been on the boards lately but he might be able to add to this
the supplement with progesterone to prevent cancer is for when they are taking estrogen, not test. and go ahead and have a womans hormones rise and fall, let me know how you enjoy that. the only reason that prop is used for is at the beginning to see how they tolerate test, and if there's a problem, it clears fast
Rocco the dog however is like a walking female hormone encyclopedia. His wife has a really great Dr that answers all this stuff. Maybe he can add something here.
Poor Rocco the Dog played in traffic one time too many and got squished by a sand truck :(. I, however, am as smart as Rocco when it comes to female HRT and I look both ways before venturing into the street. I would love to help if possible.
Yeah I been lurking here....just been real busy starting up a business...I hope.
Rocco and i been talking about exactly your comments re test and progesterone.
I disagree with test prop use for women in a maintenance dose.
When my wife's levels rollercoaster she experiences severe hot flashes and many more migraine headaches each month.
However 15-20 mg/week test e delivered steadily eliminates hot flashes and reduces the migraines by half. She still gets them weekly or more but the intensity is reduced so she can at least have the lights on.
Progesterone is a different topic...I agree with the cancer protection but I haven't researched the subject enough to comment beyond this.
Rocco the dog however is like a walking female hormone encyclopedia. His wife has a really great Dr that answers all this stuff. Maybe he can add something here.
To be honest. ..I'm glad you guys have this feedback but there is no such thing as 1 dose for all... you try and see what works for you. There are so many variables, especially in women. (If by chance your woman knows from her doc that she needs long esters to keep her levels elevated then great, give ir a go as he will be responsible for finding ways out if he f@#$! Up)... which in turn should technically go into muscle not subQ as levels drop much faster subQ. As for tp vs te...women are very sensitive. if trying things, it's better to start with short esters as it's more likely to see sides much faster with short esters and be able to stop right away and hopefully the sides reverse...with long esters, once bad sides are noticed then most likely they will be permanent as it will take a few weeks for the long ester to be out of her system and by then it's too late. I highly recommend starting on short esters if test is what you're wanting to give your woman....although I know there are many other compounds that are way better and much safer
the supplement with progesterone to prevent cancer is for when they are taking estrogen, not test. and go ahead and have a womans hormones rise and fall, let me know how you enjoy that. the only reason that prop is used for is at the beginning to see how they tolerate test, and if there's a problem, it clears fast
Progesterone is also when supplementing Test. My girl is estro dominant and only gets Test. This raises her Estro and that's why she takes Progesterone.
To be honest. ..I'm glad you guys have this feedback but there is no such thing as 1 dose for all... you try and see what works for you. There are so many variables, especially in women. (If by chance your woman knows from her doc that she needs long esters to keep her levels elevated then great, give ir a go as he will be responsible for finding ways out if he f@#$! Up)... which in turn should technically go into muscle not subQ as levels drop much faster subQ. As for tp vs te...women are very sensitive. if trying things, it's better to start with short esters as it's more likely to see sides much faster with short esters and be able to stop right away and hopefully the sides reverse...with long esters, once bad sides are noticed then most likely they will be permanent as it will take a few weeks for the long ester to be out of her system and by then it's too late. I highly recommend starting on short esters if test is what you're wanting to give your woman....although I know there are many other compounds that are way better and much safer
I agree about the short esters. The women in my life both have pellets. The are more for health/well being and not for muscle building. Luckily there were no sides since it takes 3 months to clear out.
Poor Rocco the Dog played in traffic one time too many and got squished by a sand truck :(. I, however, am as smart as Rocco when it comes to female HRT and I look both ways before venturing into the street. I would love to help if possible.
Lmao!...hell any info or suggestions
To be honest. ..I'm glad you guys have this feedback but there is no such thing as 1 dose for all... you try and see what works for you. There are so many variables, especially in women. (If by chance your woman knows from her doc that she needs long esters to keep her levels elevated then great, give ir a go as he will be responsible for finding ways out if he f@#$! Up)... which in turn should technically go into muscle not subQ as levels drop much faster subQ. As for tp vs te...women are very sensitive. if trying things, it's better to start with short esters as it's more likely to see sides much faster with short esters and be able to stop right away and hopefully the sides reverse...with long esters, once bad sides are noticed then most likely they will be permanent as it will take a few weeks for the long ester to be out of her system and by then it's too late. I highly recommend starting on short esters if test is what you're wanting to give your woman....although I know there are many other compounds that are way better and much safer
I agree, everyone reacts differently. In my wife's case the long Esther works best, we have played with dosage and about a year ago I got it to high...how did I know?
1) wanted it non stop literally. At least a couple times an hour and then would wake me 4-5 times a night. And she was getting there every time if you know what I mean.
2). Clitoral enlargement...son of a gun got as big as my thumb...and sensitive, well she couldn't walk across the living room in tight jeans cuz... well u know.
3) voice deepened noticeably
4) grew a beard and stash....
Now I was good with 1 thru 3...but at 4 I drew the line:eek: and we let the Esther clear and stayed at the current dosage. All the sides went away with exception of libido which is still high and she I are loving it :cool:
BTW hers are all intramuscular inj
1) wanted it non stop literally. At least a couple times an hour and then would wake me 4-5 times a night. And she was getting there every time if you know what I mean.
2). Clitoral enlargement...son of a gun got as big as my thumb...and sensitive, well she couldn't walk across the living room in tight jeans cuz... well u know.
Times that by 2 and the next thing you know a you're under the wheels of a truck.