[Bloodwork] voodoo test e


OK real quick so this shit from Voodoo is legit ? Went to a damn chinaman and spent 285 on raws lol dumb move I know now. I was gonna try naps ... jintani... vermodje... Balkan... all proven to be bunk or so-so quality . I'm to the point where I just wanna get some slin and kill myself in the gym everyday help please ?
Hey guys, I'm using his test prop and Iv been getting night sweats every night since Iv started. From what I know only tren does that no? Any insight? I'm using it at 125mg eod day
Hey guys, I'm using his test prop and Iv been getting night sweats every night since Iv started. From what I know only tren does that no? Any insight? I'm using it at 125mg eod day

That's certainly UNUSUAL IMO fella.

Have a sample tested if you believe it's worth the cost and effort to KNOW.
A simple blood test should clear this up. If your TT is high, it's test. If it's low, it's not.

Perhaps but it wouldn't be the first time some UGL or raw producer MIXED two AAS being sold as one.

And the mixture of Tren and Test would seem particularly appealing bc of Trens potency compared to TT.

Shit throw a little M-Tren in there and shebang ya could have the "most potent" TT on the market today or so the shills could/would claim.

And that's "based ON RESULTS guys"
you come up with the mixes and I will brew them we will make a fortune
Perhaps but it wouldn't be the first time some UGL or raw producer MIXED two AAS being sold as one.

And the mixture of Tren and Test would seem particularly appealing bc of Trens potency compared to TT.

Shit throw a little M-Tren in there and shebang ya could have the "most potent" TT on the market today or so the shills could/would claim.

And that's "based ON RESULTS guys"
Hey guys, I'm using his test prop and Iv been getting night sweats every night since Iv started. From what I know only tren does that no? Any insight? I'm using it at 125mg eod day
Years ago I did my first cycle of sustanon, deca, and dbol. I tapered my test dosage up to a gram a week, and it was pharma stuff so was a true gram. About a week after hitting the gram, I got the night sweats for over a week. I think test can certainly give night sweats when dosed high enough.
Yes any strong androgen can
And new guys think it's only from Tren..

Because that's what they are
Told by uninformed wannabes..
