[Bloodwork] voodoo test e

Yes any strong androgen can
And new guys think it's only from Tren..

Because that's what they are
Told by uninformed wannabes..


You're a fucking idiot, and a dangerous one at that.. I'd put money that your fuck ass putting tren in all of your bullshit oils.. Maybe that's why people are seeing these "results" while your gear can't pass any tests.
The Tren is very good and I
Never get night sweats from it ..

People will soon realise that
The reaction from gear is not always going to be the same ..
Even in the same person every time

I used to sweat from Tren
I still feel everything else from it
And the Prop is GTG I felt it fast before this tren was started
And the Prop is GTG I felt it fast before this tren was started

Well, shit... How reassuring!!

Hey, didn't you post a month ago your brother was having bloods done on your "prop" within the week? Haven't seen those results... :rolleyes:

The latest test results on your "prop" show that it's probably completely bunk. The only bloods before that are 5x from Bigmesec
Years ago I did my first cycle of sustanon, deca, and dbol. I tapered my test dosage up to a gram a week, and it was pharma stuff so was a true gram. About a week after hitting the gram, I got the night sweats for over a week. I think test can certainly give night sweats when dosed high enough.

Yea but unless that Sustanon was purchased AT A PHARMACY, there is no way short of testing, to KNOW the vial contents.

I've treated a multitude of patients with test for TRT and not one has mentioned "nocturnal diaphoresis" . I only mention the medical term bc that's how it WOULD BE listed as a side effect by the manufacturers, (and it is not that I'm aware of).

Again I'm not saying it just doesn't happen with other AAS, but rather it's occurrence is quite unusual. Fact is that side effect is one of the hallmarks of Tren, I'm told (by Vets) even cattle "sweated" when supplemented with Tren.

And the Prop is GTG I felt it fast before this tren was started

Your personal experiences are worthless, mostly because you are a known liar, among other reasons.

So MW, what exactly do you 'feel'? All I see you post about are erections when it comes to the quality of your own gear. Big fucking deal, you know why most people buy gear right? I suppose you have forgotten, but its to get bigger and stronger, not to wax poetic about their dick on the boards.

You don't even lift weights anymore, you even admitted as much. You feel your tren and prop eh? So how many bodyweight calf raises are you at now, 20? 30? How many rice bags can you curl by now? Must be good shit.
Yea but unless that Sustanon was purchased AT A PHARMACY, there is no way short of testing, to KNOW the vial contents.

I've treated a multitude of patients with test for TRT and not one has mentioned "nocturnal diaphoresis" . I only mention the medical term bc that's how it WOULD BE listed as a side effect by the manufacturers, (and it is not that I'm aware of).

Again I'm not saying it just doesn't happen with other AAS, but rather it's occurrence is quite unusual. Fact is that side effect is one of the hallmarks of Tren, I'm told (by Vets) even cattle "sweated" when supplemented with Tren.

Point taken, the sust was bought from overseas. As best I could tell the packaging was legit, but it is always possible it was fake. I have had occasional night sweats on the same type of cycle more recently, but it was ugl gear and who knows with that. Once again I was up to a gram of test a week. The ugl test, deca, and dbol I took on that cycle passed labmax with flying colors, but that's no guarantee I suppose.
shit just nosing around and found this...hey MANWHORE, guess what?????

VD"s test E is no better than beaver piss..My bro would have been better off shoving vitamin b caps up his ass than taking that shit...Im undecided as to whether I want to waste my labmax kits. Theres really no need. Just thought I'd throw a big ole FUCK YOU your way this morning....
BTW Paulie , your Test E is the sameFlenser got and did bloods on .. same batch ..

Someone else just got bloods on it and it's good ..
I knew the batches are good before bloods because I use them ..

Your mad because someone stole your money by getting your password ..
I don't believe you scammed voodoo but you got free gear because you got scammed by someone ..

If your mad at me for getting into it with you about giving out your password then fine but how long you plan to hold this grudge ?

Have a Nice Day Paulie

BTW Paulie , your Test E is the sameFlenser got and did bloods on .. same batch ..

Someone else just got bloods on it and it's good ..
I knew the batches are good before bloods because I use them ..

Your mad because someone stole your money by getting your password ..
I don't believe you scammed voodoo but you got free gear because you got scammed by someone ..

If your mad at me for getting into it with you about giving out your password then fine but how long you plan to hold this grudge ?

Have a Nice Day Paulie


Thats funny as fuck. I posted about your garbage test e because that's what it is GARBAGE! I would advise anyone who asked me to stay away from voodou gear, Its horrible and the test e you sent me (i say you because you and VD are one is the same) was a total waste. So at the end of the day you did scam me. You tried at first with all that email shit, then once the heat was on your punk ass, you did send vials of oil...come to find out all that test e was shit..my guys had lumps after lumps red swelling....So in the end you did scam me.

But its not even about that anymore, its about you continue posting useless shit. You run that pie hole and cant back up shit...Night sweats just stupid shit...as i've been answering pms about voodou gear i tell them EXACTLY what results the test E had...NOT A MOTHERFUCKING THING...So keep your 8 or 9 guys you deal with happy. again let me quote a solid bro " A MOTHERFUCKER WILL ALWAYS MOTHERFUCK!"
Thats funny as fuck. I posted about your garbage test e because that's what it is GARBAGE! I would advise anyone who asked me to stay away from voodou gear, Its horrible and the test e you sent me (i say you because you and VD are one is the same) was a total waste. So at the end of the day you did scam me. You tried at first with all that email shit, then once the heat was on your punk ass, you did send vials of oil...come to find out all that test e was shit..my guys had lumps after lumps red swelling....So in the end you did scam me.

But its not even about that anymore, its about you continue posting useless shit. You run that pie hole and cant back up shit...Night sweats just stupid shit...as i've been answering pms about voodou gear i tell them EXACTLY what results the test E had...NOT A MOTHERFUCKING THING...So keep your 8 or 9 guys you deal with happy. again let me quote a solid bro " A MOTHERFUCKER WILL ALWAYS MOTHERFUCK!"
Preach brother I through all this guys canola oil out anyone with 2 Ozs of a brain won't order from him
I sweat no matter what aas i use, just more so with nor's
Any strong androgen will do this ..

I have years of hands on that's why I
Know this and years of hands on is also the reason I know that even the same AAS in the same individual may act different at different times ...

I don't listen to theories ..
If I did I wouldn't have started using Tren Only cycles ..

Have a good day Tube ..
On my way to work :)
I am going to write a book ..
Call it
" theories and more theories "
A book about nonsense

well that would be right up your alley MW. NONSENSE! Never used or saw any of your prop...Dunno WTF your talking about on that...