[Bloodwork] voodoo test e

Threw all ....

And no you didn't ..
Just like the Prop you used it

You're welcome for the $400
Worth of Test E free too
Buddy your shit doesnt even pass LM why in the hell would I pin that shit into my body. Your the biggest f'n liar ive come across on this site. But keep clinging to that rope man!
Your the biggest f'n liar ive come across on this site.
You mean besides yourself right Nick505? Or urbangroop? Seems to me you are the master at deception and lies here on Meso. Always ordering test prop, always getting labs done without any other hormones, always changing your handle when the heat gets too hot for you. Pussy. I feel bad for DomX now. Why do I see the same lab results coming in your future, huh Heisenberg?