MESO-Rx Exclusive Body Image and Instagram: How Fitness Influencers Affect Men and Women Differently

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MESO-Rx is pleased to announce the publication of its latest article on social media influences and body image. This article examines how idealized physique images on Instagram impact men's and women's body satisfaction differently.

The age of excessiveness and instant gratification, thanks to social media and to it's followers the ever so naive younger/newer generations.

Old school all the way, I must be getting old then, to say this.
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The age of excessiveness and instant gratification, thanks to social media and to it's followers the ever so naive younger/newer generations.

Old school all the way, I must be getting old then, to say this.

Bodybuilding was never a legit occupation before social media, unless someone had family money. Now for some it's a full-time job which requires social media participation, sponsors, etc.


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