Bought the wife some Var. need some advice.

Title says it all. The wife is ok with me using AAS and has decided to join me on my adventure. Our question is: is 5 mg a day enough once a day or 10 mg a day split up. Any guidance would be greatly appreciated ladies...and gentlemen.
Anywhere from
Title says it all. The wife is ok with me using AAS and has decided to join me on my adventure. Our question is: is 5 mg a day enough once a day or 10 mg a day split up. Any guidance would be greatly appreciated ladies...and gentlemen.
5-20 mg though she should start at 5. She can do 10 at a time as PWO since it has such a short half life. If she goes as high as 15 or 20 then she can space it out. I believe the half life is 9 hours.
I would never give my girl var. I don’t like the look it creates. Get her a gym pass and a solid diet. Woman don’t need much muscle.
My wife uses 10mg as a pwo. Sides are very minimal. And she’s definitely not in the same league as Denise’s “lil man downstairs”.
Google “Denise Masino nude” and you’ll settle for the absolute lowest dose my friend!

I can’t unsee that shit bro. I’m ruined. Lol

She just smacked you across the face with her “Harm reduction”.

5 to 10 mg won’t do that but just remember that so no one takes it too far!
How long does she run it for? I was thinking of having her go 8 weeks on, 4 weeks off and repeat as needed.

She tried to use it 5mg split doses. AM/PM. But it just didn’t work for her. So she tried it like a pre-workout. And I don’t know how but it worked great for her. Now she does 10mg about 20-40 mins prior to working out. Strength gains with way less sides. It works for her that way. She uses it like 10 weeks and 2-3 weeks off. Then she just kept going with no breaks. But I told her to atleast take a break. So it’s been 3 weeks since she last used it.