I started my first cycle with 500mg test c and I felt great for the first 9 weeks. Around the 10th week I started getting very light headed. I then started checking my BP which was about 160/70. I immediately quit injecting and went and got my bloods done everything looked normal except my estradiol which had went from 20 pg/ml to 100 pg/m. I had been very bloated and retaining a lot of water which I'm guessing is the reason for the massive spike in BP but a lot of my family have hypertension naturally so l think that on top of excessive estradiol made it very bad. What I was thinking was I start back up at a lower dose such as 200mg a week and take arimidex to manage estradiol and also start to take telmisartan and amlodiphine to manage BP. I'm new to all this I'm trying to learn as much as I can but I really want to do this correctly. So if any one has any input on what I should do or any information that would help me, please share if you do not mind. It would be much appreciated.