
I don't brew anymore but when I did filtering was...

1000ml was a one day process for me. I can get 500ml done in a few hours; 4 hours or so I would say. Hand pumping, no electrical mechanical advantage.

I used to use MCT and I have never had a filter "clog" to any degree. I did not filter hot or warm as I got further into my craft either; just a personal preference...
How much volume were you filtering?

Minimum 300 ml for any brews. I'm using the reusable bottle tops now.

Its amazing the junk I filter out now

It was a pain before I got the filters I mentioned above. I also put thread tape on the parts that connect to my vacuum pump and stuck one the bottletop adapters in the other end beast mode style.
I never lose vacuum pressure, unless I don't tighten up something properly, otherwise, i get to stay around 15 psi. I stop using my compressor because it was too noisy.

I just don't think its feasible to filter fast. I've filtered warm and at room temp., its still the Its has taken me as long as 36-48 hours on 500 ml
It takes me 30 sec to brew. It takes longer to filter than waiting on raws from

I have extremely limited brew experience, but this was pretty close to mine as well...

Without a vacuum pump I felt very fortunate to have an incredibly potent caulking gun that was my only saving grace...
Mainly SFO but I've used MCT sparingly. Don't like gso.

It takes me 30 sec to brew. It takes longer to filter than waiting on raws from

I use mct and migyol, think it takes 10-20 minutes with the compressor and oil warmed up a little bit. GSO took a lot longer and I remember thinking “fuck this shit I’ll use safflower if mct isn’t an option”
I use mct and migyol, think it takes 10-20 minutes with the compressor and oil warmed up a little bit. GSO took a lot longer and I remember thinking “fuck this shit I’ll use safflower if mct isn’t an option”

Soon to be brewing noob here. Under what circumstances would mct not be an option. I was thinking about just planning on using mygiol for all carriers unless there are solid reasons not to.
I love mct personally. Sounds like mygiol may be a more refined version mct. Some folks have a bad reaction to mct oil, it may be possible for that to carry over into the mygiol (complete guess here). Not sure of any other potential issues with it from my limited knowledge. @PurplePandaLabs Rep. Any thoughts?
f you like it and want to spend the extra dollar per vial
Ive been paying the outrageous mark up through med lab gear , but if you just buy the 25 liter minimum from a certain manufacturer its actually cheaper than mct oil ... if you buy straight from the manufacturer its comes out to about 9$ a liter ..

Obviously alot of people will never use that much oil and some people will feel sketched out getting that much oil delivered to their house but .... if for whatever reason your brewing a shit load of gear or dont mind a bunch of extra oil sitting around your house you can actually get miglyol cheap as dirt ....
I love mct personally. Sounds like mygiol may be a more refined version mct. Some folks have a bad reaction to mct oil, it may be possible for that to carry over into the mygiol (complete guess here). Not sure of any other potential issues with it from my limited knowledge. @PurplePandaLabs Rep. Any thoughts?
Yeah I'm like you if someone doesn't tolerate mct then migyol might not be for them it took a little getting used to for me but so did Watson test c the first time I tried it .
Ive been paying the outrageous mark up through med lab gear , but if you just buy the 25 liter minimum from a certain manufacturer its actually cheaper than mct oil ... if you buy straight from the manufacturer its comes out to about 9$ a liter ..

Obviously alot of people will never use that much oil and some people will feel sketched out getting that much oil delivered to their house but .... if for whatever reason your brewing a shit load of gear or dont mind a bunch of extra oil sitting around your house you can actually get miglyol cheap as dirt ....

I might pick up a drum in a couple months to stock up. I don’t think it’s a big deal getting a bunch of oil sent to me for my cosmetic business:)