
Cool thread , i wanna play too:D

Here's my last brew (left to right)
-Test cyp 2/18%
-Deca 3/10%
-Tren ace 2/15%
-Bold cyp 2/18%
-mast e 2/15%
All in mct oil , and basically no pip on any of them ... all pretty basic stuff .

The only recipe ive used so far that was a little tricky was nan cyp 250 .
2% ba
Carrier 90/10 mct/eo

I haven't used it yet , but a guy I train with has and said it had some pip at first but he got used to it after a couple pins , so maybe it was just the guaiacol he wasn't used to ?
Now that's gear porn!!!
So which one of you brew Meister's have done injectable d-bol ? Preferably ba/bb only , gonna use mig840 for carrier ?! I can't bring myself to take the time to sit down and cap it so I'm gonna science experiment it up and see what happens .. Just wanna see if someone can push me in the right direction so I don't have to start throwing random numbers at it :D
I made it at 2%BA, 25% BB with migyol and eo carrier, 50mg/ml. It was easy to make and think the concentration could be a little higher.
That's all I wanna make it at is 50mg ... Do you think it would have held without the eo ? I've got a bunch on hand but if I can make it without the eo that would be ideal ? But if not what did you use 50/50 ?
That's all I wanna make it at is 50mg ... Do you think it would have held without the eo ? I've got a bunch on hand but if I can make it without the eo that would be ideal ? But if not what did you use 50/50 ?

I don't think EO or Migyol was necessary but I like using that mix for short esters. You could probably lower the BB if you only want to do 50mg.
Nice thread well well im so drunk and get a line so my mistake is posting in bad conditions but u know im getting the meso secrets!!

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The dbol was made with 2% BA, 25% BB and the carrier is a 50/50 mix of eo and migyol 840. A decent amount of heat was used but the dbol went into solution super easy and I'm going to try a higher concentration next time. The other two are 2% BA, 30-40% BB and same carrier mix as dbol. What I've found works is adding the tren base last so you don't burn it but it still goes into solution. I spend about 45min to an hour adding the carrier and BB mix, temp gets up to 350-380. Add the tren base after all of you oil and BB are added and then turn off the heat but leave it spinning like a motherfucker on the hot plate until it hits room temp.
Man those labels make my shit look so ghetto!!! Good job.
How's everyone transferring their finished product after filtering? Right now I'm using a 60cc syringe to draw out of Wheaton bottles with septums on them. This is a huge pain and I'm wondering if I could get some no drip rings for the cap and pour straight from the media bottle into vials.
How's everyone transferring their finished product after filtering? Right now I'm using a 60cc syringe to draw out of Wheaton bottles with septums on them. This is a huge pain and I'm wondering if I could get some no drip rings for the cap and pour straight from the media bottle into vials.
I saw those pipette pumps and sterile pipettes. You could draw and dispense accurately and quick. But your brew would be exposed I guess. Idk how they really work.
I saw those pipette pumps and sterile pipettes. You could draw and dispense accurately and quick. But your brew would be exposed I guess. Idk how they really work.

I know how they work and that is an option in the future just don't want to spend the money right now. You can autoclave them then stick them on the media bottle to dispense.