
You probably already emailed or pm somebody , but an easy way to tell them apart , ba is a clear alcohol , and the bb will have a yellowish tint to it and is oily to the touch .
Mine are actually labeled even. Just in the same exact vial with same flip top. You better believe I'll be reading more closely...
finished off with

Cottonseed Oil

Test E 250
You didn't take enough. I need to take 100mg of TNE minimum to feel it, 150 and I really feel it. I've never taken tren base but 40mg is pretty low I think... It's usually dosed at about twice that amount.

I also don't really feel TNE unless I'm already taking a decent dose of long ester test. If you're on like 200mg a week and pin 100mg base it's not as pronounced compared to taking 100mg base while on 750mg of test cyp or something.
I agree with this 100% tne at 100 mg minimum for me to feel it... and trne at about the same... and it seems like if I pin it more than 1 or 2 times a week my body stops responding at least by feeling...
It's been about five days now since I made my blend and it's holding still and I'm thinking it will continue to do so. It's test base 50mg, tren base 50mg, var 20mg. I have the recipe written down if anyone here would like it I could post it tonight when I get home.

Recipe is:

7-8% PEG 400
4% BA (doubles as a solvent which is why it's higher than 1%)
5% guaiacol (this reduced pip of var compared to no GU version.)
Carrier is 75% EO and 25% migyol 840

Start by combining everything except raws, then put 25-50% of the mix in a beaker on your hot plate with test base and var added in. Stick your stirbar in there and turn on heat and stir. The goal is to hit around 350 degrees over time. I probably keep it on the plate stirring for 1.5-2 hours, adding portions of the rest of the oil/solvent mix every 15-20 minutes. Tren base goes in last but even after it's added it still spends about 20-30 minutes on heat and spinning. After I killed the heat I leave my bases spinning at a pretty high speed as they get to room temp. I then heat it once more to 3-350 degrees and let it go back down to room temp once more. Then I heat it up just enough to filter.


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