Bridging with Halotestin

Yuri Sa

New Member
Any experience with low dose Halo (~15 mg/day) for bridging and reducing the period of PCT? In the article "The effects of fluoxymesterone administration on testicular function." (Jones TM, Fang VS, Landau RL, Rosenfield RL) it presents data supporting the idea that Halo till 30 mcg doesn't suppress the hypothalamus and the pituitary and only suppress the releasing of testo by the testicles (despite the fact that they Hypothalamus is releasing GNRH and the pituitary are releasing FSH and LH just fine).
If that's true, why not use low dose halo on the first 2~3 weeks of PCT to preserve the gains and the strength of the cycle?
Any experience with low dose Halo (~15 mg/day) for bridging and reducing the period of PCT? In the article "The effects of fluoxymesterone administration on testicular function." (Jones TM, Fang VS, Landau RL, Rosenfield RL) it presents data supporting the idea that Halo till 30 mcg doesn't suppress the hypothalamus and the pituitary and only suppress the releasing of testo by the testicles (despite the fact that they Hypothalamus is releasing GNRH and the pituitary are releasing FSH and LH just fine).
If that's true, why not use low dose halo on the first 2~3 weeks of PCT to preserve the gains and the strength of the cycle?

How do you expect to benefit on a physiologic level by "bridging" with any anabolic agent into PCT?

Oh yea I know, I won't lose my gains is the typical response.

The truth of the matter is ANY worthwhile AAS, when used for SKM anabolism, will fully suppress (or very close to it) gonadotropin secretion.

This effect is seen with TT at dosages of as little as 50-100mg a WEEK.

The bottom line if you want HTPA recovery to fail, continue to cycle ANY anabolic agent during PCT.

Having said that, bc the half life of oral AAS is relatively short, averaging one day, their use can shorten the PCT waiting interval (the time required for renal and hepatic clearance of those compounds cycled) from weeks for parenteral agents to perhaps days for orals.
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Any experience with low dose Halo (~15 mg/day) for bridging and reducing the period of PCT? In the article

that Halo till 30 mcg doesn't suppress the hypothalamus and the pituitary and only suppress the releasing of testo by the testicles

Oh and did you review the study dosages, bc their is a ONE THOUSAND fold difference bt a MCG and a MG.

I mean if the amount of Halo used in the study were converted to equipotent dosages of testosterone you would be pinning
roughly 0.1 Mg of TT!

While I agree a homeopathic quantity would NOT suppress LH secretion it wouldn't do squat for SKM anabolism IF you could draw such a low dose into a syringe, lol!
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Jones TM, Fang VS, Landau RL, Rosenfield RL. The effects of fluoxymesterone administration on testicular function. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 1977;44(1):121-9.

Long term daily administration of fluoxymesterone (9alpha-fluoro-17alpha-methyl-11beta, 17beta-dihydroxyandrost-4-en-3-one) was associated with a modest suppression of sperm production and a profound suppression of testosterone levels in the absence of significant effects on plasma gonadotropin levels. Nine normal male volunteers took either 10, 20, or 30 mg of fluoxymesterone daily for twelve weeks. Plasma samples were obtained for testosterone, estrogen, LH and FSH levels at biweekly intervals before, during and for up to 12 weeks after fluoxymesterone treatment. Samples were obtained for dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate, testosterone binding globulin and free testosterone assays at representative times before, during and after treatment.

Although lower sperm counts were observed at several points during both the treatment and follow up periods, significant consistent suppression of spermatogenesis could not be demonstrated. Reduced plasma testosterone levels were seen within 24 h after beginning fluoxymesterone, and further reductions were noted throughout the treatment period. Changes in plasma estrogen levels did not correlate with fluoxymesterone administration. Neither plasma LH nor plasma FSH levels were significantly altered by fluoxymesterone. [ASSAY!]

A short term study utilizing a single dose of fluoxymesterone yielded similar findings.

It is proposed that fluoxymesterone has a local effect on the Leydig cell which is not mediated by gonadotropins. [NOT]

1977 - Catch UP. This is ~2016!!!
Jones TM, Fang VS, Landau RL, Rosenfield RL. The effects of fluoxymesterone administration on testicular function. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 1977;44(1):121-9.

1977 - Catch UP. This is ~2016!!!

You mean FIFTY years of research changes things :)