Bringing back fertility after 8 years B&C


See title ^

Have B&C Deca, Test & Ment over the course of the last 8 years (not all at the same time obv, different cycles) and never bothered with HCG (yeah I know, probably dumb) so my balls are tiny and I’m firing blanks.

The Mrs wants a baby so any advice on how to get my fertility back (if it’s even possible at this point) would be appreciated. To be honest I am pretty dumb where this is concerned, with all the knowledge I have on steroids, I am sorely lacking in knowledge of fertility and getting my balls to work again. The truth is that I never bothered doing much research on bringing back fertility as I was absolutely convinced I would never have any more children nor even wanted anymore but then I met my current wife and everything has changed.

The one that concerns me most is MENT. I love MENT but I know it does a real number on your balls and my last blast was a MENT blast.

Any advice is greatly appreciated swole bros and thanks in advance
See title ^

Have B&C Deca, Test & Ment over the course of the last 8 years (not all at the same time obv, different cycles) and never bothered with HCG (yeah I know, probably dumb) so my balls are tiny and I’m firing blanks.

The Mrs wants a baby so any advice on how to get my fertility back (if it’s even possible at this point) would be appreciated. To be honest I am pretty dumb where this is concerned, with all the knowledge I have on steroids, I am sorely lacking in knowledge of fertility and getting my balls to work again. The truth is that I never bothered doing much research on bringing back fertility as I was absolutely convinced I would never have any more children nor even wanted anymore but then I met my current wife and everything has changed.

The one that concerns me most is MENT. I love MENT but I know it does a real number on your balls and my last blast was a MENT blast.

Any advice is greatly appreciated swole bros and thanks in advance
I definitely think it's possible. Unless you were broken before you started steroids.

I didn't use HCG and I B&C that long as well. Lots of 19-nors. No MENT.

The link below is my timeline.

Short summary: Came off test for 7 months. Got my wife pregnant. Back on blast while trying to maintain my fertility.

If you want to regain fertility quickest, my opinion is that getting off of test is that route while adding the kitchen sink of fertility drugs.

If you want to balance pain and time, you can probably get there with TRT test, HCG, HMG, and enclomiphene because there is some information suggesting it can be beneficial if test dose if low enough. Consider a daily prop dose or even better, daily oil based suspension recipe and time the enclomiphene as far away in that 24 hour block as possible from test base administration.

I definitely think it's possible. Unless you were broken before you started steroids.

I didn't use HCG and I B&C that long as well. Lots of 19-nors. No MENT.

The link below is my timeline.

Short summary: Came off test for 7 months. Got my wife pregnant. Back on blast while trying to maintain my fertility.

If you want to regain fertility quickest, my opinion is that getting off of test is that route while adding the kitchen sink of fertility drugs.

If you want to balance pain and time, you can probably get there with TRT test, HCG, HMG, and enclomiphene because there is some information suggesting it can be beneficial if test dose if low enough. Consider a daily prop dose or even better, daily oil based suspension recipe and time the enclomiphene as far away in that 24 hour block as possible from test base administration.

Cheers buddy. Very helpful.

I must admit, the thought of coming of test entirely does worry me a bit. It’s definitely something to think about
Cheers buddy. Very helpful.

I must admit, the thought of coming of test entirely does worry me a bit. It’s definitely something to think about
Coming off of test was not very fun.

I think the best reasonable option if you don't want come off of test is real TRT test dose + HCG (1000iu ED) + HMG (75iu ED) + enclomiphene 25mg (debatable but won't hurt chances) + fertility vitamin stack (selenium, l-carnitine [injectable in perfect world], vit e, etc etc), ensuring you're overall metabolically healthy, keeping stress low, and then getting frequent sperm analysis at a lab to also track morphology metrics
Coming off of test was not very fun.

I think the best reasonable option if you don't want come off of test is real TRT test dose + HCG (1000iu ED) + HMG (75iu ED) + enclomiphene 25mg (debatable but won't hurt chances) + fertility vitamin stack (selenium, l-carnitine [injectable in perfect world], vit e, etc etc), ensuring you're overall metabolically healthy, keeping stress low, and then getting frequent sperm analysis at a lab to also track morphology metrics
Approximately how long would you suggest using the HMG and HcG before retesting sperm count?
Approximately how long would you suggest using the HMG and HcG before retesting sperm count?
I would retest every 90 days. Takes the body 60 to 80 days to produce new fully mature sperm. A legitimate lab sperm analysis, not an at home one.

You could use at home ones like spermyo if you want in between legitimate lab ones but don’t get fixated on the results of those, imo.
I would retest every 90 days. Takes the body 60 to 80 days to produce new fully mature sperm. A legitimate lab sperm analysis, not an at home one.

You could use at home ones like spermyo if you want in between legitimate lab ones but don’t get fixated on the results of those, imo.
Thank you. I had a sperm analysis (at home) test done and reading the result was a gut punch considering my girl and I recently made the decision to have kids. We’re both just on the wrong side of 40 so we knew it wouldn’t be easy but I wasn’t expecting this.
Thank you. I had a sperm analysis (at home) test done and reading the result was a gut punch considering my girl and I recently made the decision to have kids. We’re both just on the wrong side of 40 so we knew it wouldn’t be easy but I wasn’t expecting this.
What was the result? I had 3 lab tests in a row that basically said zero sperm. Not quite, but they had to quantify the amount using HPF (high powered fields), but I took solace knowing that the last of the 3 I doubled the amount per HPF. But we were still talking in the range of 100s of thousands lol.

At the end of the day if time is of the essence and you’re looking to speed run your way to a healthy sperm count, the best thing to do is get off of any AAS, and throw the kitchen sink at the issue.

Some will disagree and say there’s no point to using SERM concurrently with HCG + HMG, and that may be true, but why not? Mechanistically I understand why it shouldn’t do anything, but I fail to see the downside. It’s either neutral or net positive.

HCG + HMG + enclomiphene + aromasin (control e2 from HCG) will get you to where you’re trying to go quickest IMO.

Then add in l carnitine, selenium, vit e, and all the other positive herbs / vitamins / supps for sperm and then you just gotta be patient.

If getting off of AAS isn’t an option, lower your dose to the lowest you’re willing to and just keep at it. No sauna, no extreme training, etc etc.
What was the result? I had 3 lab tests in a row that basically said zero sperm. Not quite, but they had to quantify the amount using HPF (high powered fields), but I took solace knowing that the last of the 3 I doubled the amount per HPF. But we were still talking in the range of 100s of thousands lol.
It was <5 M, which I've read is moderate oligospermia. Not what I expected as I've lived a pretty healthy lifestyle (sans the periodic aas use the past few years).
At the end of the day if time is of the essence and you’re looking to speed run your way to a healthy sperm count, the best thing to do is get off of any AAS, and throw the kitchen sink at the issue.
I dropped everything but basic TRT+HCG and I'll be adding HMG shortly. I'll consider the enclomiphene but my family has a history of blood clots so that concerns me a bit. I personally have no risk factors but I've been a bit paranoid about that.
Some will disagree and say there’s no point to using SERM concurrently with HCG + HMG, and that may be true, but why not? Mechanistically I understand why it shouldn’t do anything, but I fail to see the downside. It’s either neutral or net positive.

HCG + HMG + enclomiphene + aromasin (control e2 from HCG) will get you to where you’re trying to go quickest IMO. Then add in l carnitine, selenium, vit e, and all the other positive herbs / vitamins / supps for sperm and then you just gotta be patient.
Already use plenty of those listed and I'll be adding whatever else I come across that I may be deficient in.
If getting off of AAS isn’t an option, lower your dose to the lowest you’re willing to and just keep at it. No sauna, no extreme training, etc etc.
I won't say it isn't an option but I'd like to at least try for a few months and see if there's any improvement while still on basic TRT.

Thank you all the insight.
It was <5 M, which I've read is moderate oligospermia. Not what I expected as I've lived a pretty healthy lifestyle (sans the periodic aas use the past few years).
Yeah it can be a shocker for sure. I was shocked when I got my reading despite 10 years of consistent AAS use; but in reality I should've expected it lol.
I dropped everything but basic TRT+HCG and I'll be adding HMG shortly. I'll consider the enclomiphene but my family has a history of blood clots so that concerns me a bit. I personally have no risk factors but I've been a bit paranoid about that.
Ah, I hear ya. Yeah there are other sides of enclomiphene to consider. HMG is definitely the heavy hitter. My reccommendation would be not to skimp on the HMG dose. Grab some from a legit chinese source and you're looking at about $8 per day for ~75iu which ain't bad at all. PM me if you don't know which source i'm talking about.
Already use plenty of those listed and I'll be adding whatever else I come across that I may be deficient in.
I won't say it isn't an option but I'd like to at least try for a few months and see if there's any improvement while still on basic TRT.
Don't blame you one bit. Coming off of test was kind of rough after 10 years straight.
Thank you all the insight.
You're welcome. Good luck, and let me know if you've got any questions that pop up. I've documented my journey somewhere here including all the sperm lab analysis.

What I tend to see is generally months of no improvement....which is really demotivating. And then all of the sudden one sperm analysis shows some legititmate improvement....and then IMO, it's off to the races. The boys are firing up and working overtime to produce. From there, I would expect some real progress in terms of sperm count increase like an exponential graph.

Hardest part is getting that first reading over 5mil per ml.
Ah, I hear ya. Yeah there are other sides of enclomiphene to consider. HMG is definitely the heavy hitter. My reccommendation would be not to skimp on the HMG dose. Grab some from a legit chinese source and you're looking at about $8 per day for ~75iu which ain't bad at all. PM me if you don't know which source i'm talking about.

Am I get that source as well
Currently in the same situation in trying to regain fertility
I’m new here and I can’t seem to Pm you
Don’t know if it’s cause I just signed up
Currently in the same situation in trying to regain fertility
I’m new here and I can’t seem to Pm you
Don’t know if it’s cause I just signed up
That source I was referencing is no longer operating…

But yes, it is because you are new here. I cannot PM you either.

A lot of Indian HMG is notoriously underdosed / degraded, same with HCG.

You’re probably best off ordering from a few different Chinese sources, and getting it tested via Janoshik to ensure legitimacy.

I recommend you visit the underground section of the forum. You can pay money to instantly have privileges of a more seasoned member, or you gotta do your time.

Make an intro post would be best practice for joining the community.

I’m pretty empathetic to fertility issues. So let me give you a little extra help. It’s typically not kosher to spoon feed sources as it’s important you do your own due diligence.

I would check out the vendors that are abbreviated SSA, SRY, and HYB as a starting place for your due diligence. I don’t believe any Chinese source has tested HMG currently. QSC did, but they currently aren’t here and they may never be back.
Last edited:
That source I was referencing is no longer operating…

But yes, it is because you are new here. I cannot PM you either.

A lot of Indian HMG is notoriously underdosed / degraded, same with HCG.

You’re probably best off ordering from a few different Chinese sources, and getting it tested via Janoshik to ensure legitimacy.

I recommend you visit the underground section of the forum. You can pay money to instantly have privileges of a more seasoned member, or you gotta do your time.

Make an intro post would be best practice for joining the community.

I’m pretty empathetic to fertility issues. So let me give you a little extra help. It’s typically not kosher to spoon feed sources as it’s important you do your own due diligence.

I would check out the vendors that are abbreviated SSA, SRY, and HYB as a starting place for your due diligence. I don’t believe any Chinese source has tested HMG currently. QSC did, but they currently aren’t here and they may never be back.
When it comes to fertility i would only order Pharma HCG and HMG. Might be more expensive but only the best for the balls right?
When it comes to fertility i would only order Pharma HCG and HMG. Might be more expensive but only the best for the balls right?
I mean this is 100% optimal right here. I just assume folks are here looking for underground sources.

@Kevinpd if you can afford US grade pharma there are sources here that sell it and Turkish pharm equivalents

I’m running 75iu HMG daily to try and preserve my fertility so I can’t afford pharma
I mean this is 100% optimal right here. I just assume folks are here looking for underground sources.

@Kevinpd if you can afford US grade pharma there are sources here that sell it and Turkish pharm equivalents

I’m running 75iu HMG daily to try and preserve my fertility so I can’t afford pharma

Do you also run HCG? 75iu HMG pharma is about 60€ here in Central Europe so thats a really pricey thing to do.

You could consider stretching out the HMG over 7-8 days, 10iu a day with 100-200iu of HCG just to maintain it.
Do you also run HCG? 75iu HMG pharma is about 60€ here in Central Europe so thats a really pricey thing to do.

You could consider stretching out the HMG over 7-8 days, 10iu a day with 100-200iu of HCG just to maintain it.
Yeah, 1000iu daily. Estrogen support for EQ! And fertility.

Idk. QSC tested good, and I’ve got a lot of it from promos. Feels like I’ll need more than 10iu daily to maintain on grams of gear lol which is what I was running

I’ve got about 1.5 years before I need viable sperms but I’m not trying to fuck around and need to get off test again lol
Yeah, 1000iu daily. Estrogen support for EQ! And fertility.

Idk. QSC tested good, and I’ve got a lot of it from promos. Feels like I’ll need more than 10iu daily to maintain on grams of gear lol which is what I was running

I’ve got about 1.5 years before I need viable sperms but I’m not trying to fuck around and need to get off test again lol

You should add Injc. Carnitine then and stay away from anything that induces crazy oxidative stress for mitochondrial as its affiliated with bad fertility and some articles i've seen suggest that it damage the riping of the sperm

Can prolly dig them up at some point but i personally had not much semen quality change for the bad while being on primo and testo for the past 2.5 years incl. carnitine year around and some hcg.

My girlfrield likes big loads so another reason for me to run HCG year around and balance my E2 with Primo on top.

In the past ive done 2 sperm tests, both times i was running about 10iu HMG daily vs 30iu HMG, the was about a 18% difference in quality and motility

So right now i just run HCG and 2-3x a year for about 3 months i run HMG to make the girlfriend extra happy and remind my balls to function
@Trenbolonetax Newbie here, not to raiload the OP but will running HCG year round be beneficial? (managing e2 of course). Cruising atm and once saw balls shrink, i run 250 iU EOD (QSC).

Can the same logic work for HMG, ie run it year round, even if minimal dosages?

I plan on staying on till the eventual time to drop roids come and blast a fertility regimen.

Thanks pal
@Trenbolonetax Newbie here, not to raiload the OP but will running HCG year round be beneficial? (managing e2 of course). Cruising atm and once saw balls shrink, i run 250 iU EOD (QSC).

Can the same logic work for HMG, ie run it year round, even if minimal dosages?

I plan on staying on till the eventual time to drop roids come and blast a fertility regimen.

Thanks pal

I know you did not ask me but i would only run HMG when wanting to conceive as its expensive and sperm cycle takes 90-100 days. HCG can be run year around as it also helps with production of neuro-steroids for the brain.

I dont see any benefits from running HCG higher than 1100-1200ius per week. I do daily injections of it. You dont get any increase in fertility above 1500ius, instead you can save the money and add high dose of HMG do it 50-100iu a day although i've seen plenty of protocols where 75iu of HMG e3d was more than enough.