Bulk Cycle Advice


New Member
Looking for some feedback on what I'm thinking for my upcoming bulk cycle. Looking to go relatively mild.

Background: currently doing TRT test c @ 160mg/week dosed e3.5. Also running 80mg/week primo, also dosed e3.5. Previous AAS experience is one run of 250mg/week test c + 30mg/day anavar for recomp.

Planning a 12-16 week bulk. Health conscious, so trying to keep things in moderate doses and see how bloods and sides are impacted before adjusting for future cycles. Currently considering this cycle:

300mg/week test c, 100mg M/W/F
150mg/week primo, 50mg M/W/F
150mg/week NPP, 50mg M/W/F
Personally I would increase the primobolan if you won't lower your e2 to much. Start with what you have there, but I think you have some room to push the primobolan dose upwards.

Personally I can run primo higher than test and not have low estrogen, but that is highly variable from individual to individual.

Primo also has a very good risk profile so if your going to push anything up I would push up the primo dose after a few weeks.

Good Luck on your bulk!
Looking for some feedback on what I'm thinking for my upcoming bulk cycle. Looking to go relatively mild.

Background: currently doing TRT test c @ 160mg/week dosed e3.5. Also running 80mg/week primo, also dosed e3.5. Previous AAS experience is one run of 250mg/week test c + 30mg/day anavar for recomp.

Planning a 12-16 week bulk. Health conscious, so trying to keep things in moderate doses and see how bloods and sides are impacted before adjusting for future cycles. Currently considering this cycle:

300mg/week test c, 100mg M/W/F
150mg/week primo, 50mg M/W/F
150mg/week NPP, 50mg M/W/F
not too hard, not bad, you can easily check the sides, keep going and bloodwork after 6 weeks
Looking for some feedback on what I'm thinking for my upcoming bulk cycle. Looking to go relatively mild.

Background: currently doing TRT test c @ 160mg/week dosed e3.5. Also running 80mg/week primo, also dosed e3.5. Previous AAS experience is one run of 250mg/week test c + 30mg/day anavar for recomp.

Planning a 12-16 week bulk. Health conscious, so trying to keep things in moderate doses and see how bloods and sides are impacted before adjusting for future cycles. Currently considering this cycle:

300mg/week test c, 100mg M/W/F
150mg/week primo, 50mg M/W/F
150mg/week NPP, 50mg M/W/F

Looks like a good start of a cycle considering your past courses. I would start there, see how you respond and titrate the dose(s) up based on what you find suits you in terms of progress, goals, side effects etc.