Bunk HCG by MSD

What are you saying man? @SkankHunt has been a great member of the community for quite some time and even goes as far as to buy random products from the vendors here and tests them on his own dollar.. he knows what goes on here, and he has a reason for not naming the source.. I’m sure if you asked him nicely for it in pm he would tell you, but he’s not going to put himself at risk publicly by naming the source if they’re known to dox or send hotpacks.
Lol I ignored him over an hour ago. He’s still going? I think he’s a rep for Odin. Once I posted that final lab he’s been very upset.
What are you saying man? @SkankHunt has been a great member of the community for quite some time and even goes as far as to buy random products from the vendors here and tests them on his own dollar.. he knows what goes on here, and he has a reason for not naming the source.. I’m sure if you asked him nicely for it in pm he would tell you, but he’s not going to put himself at risk publicly by naming the source if they’re known to dox or send hotpacks.
I feel like you didn't mean to quote me here since nothing I said is counter to your post.
To be fair lots of people know who the source is based on one comment, but this guy isn't well versed enough in the forum drama to catch it.
So why don't you tell us which source this is? Shit doesn't make sense, he's not afraid to post bad labwork but when he has to expose a source he can't do it. That is what I call suspicious behaviour.
I was just saying this guy is freaking out over not naming and shaming when a considerable number of regulars here have already figured it out. Nothing more.
I hear ya’ I understand that now, I thought you might have been talking about skankhunt, sorry and thanks for clearing that up.
I was just saying this guy is freaking out over not naming and shaming when a considerable number of regulars here have already figured it out. Nothing more.
If you’ve been here longer than 3 months you have a very good idea of what source I’m referring to. I’ll chalk this up as a loss instead of a customs letter.
If you’ve been here longer than 3 months you have a very good idea of what source I’m referring to. I’ll chalk this up as a loss instead of a customs letter.
So he's worried about a costums letter now after ordering tons of illegal steroids. Lmao this guy is a fucking joke
Nope he has been an asset to this forum and the community. He just meant a source who sends overseas that has a high seizure rate as been noted all over the place.
To add to my post, my good guess is for every 10 packs that source sends out at least 7 get seized. I know that may be BS but to illustrate a rather high seizure rate. It might not matter which country does the seizure...
Nope he has been an asset to this forum and the community. He just meant a source who sends overseas that has a high seizure rate as been noted all over the place.
Omg more dick riding, im out this forum feels like a fucking weird ass dick riding cult. Fucking bunch of weirdos.
Are you people fucking retarded? A source sells fake shit, I'll post about it but I won't tell which source it is. What kind of stupid logic is this?